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Monthly Archives: July 2017

Tweets of Congress: Output from 1000+ accounts for any given day

Data Driven Jounalism – “Tweets of Congress is a project collating the daily Twitter output of both houses of the United States Congress, encompassing the accounts of members, political parties, committees and caucuses (around 1,070 accounts in total). There are two components to the project: a backend app for data collection and serialization and a… Continue Reading

ISOO 2016 Annual Report to the President

“Today, the Information Security Oversight Office of the National Archives (ISOO) released online its Report to the President for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016.  This annual report includes information on government agencies’ security classification activities and costs, and provides an update on the implementation of the Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) program.  This annual report was mandated… Continue Reading

Paper – ‘I’ve Got Nothing to Hide’ and Other Misunderstandings of Privacy

Solove, Daniel J., ‘I’ve Got Nothing to Hide’ and Other Misunderstandings of Privacy. San Diego Law Review, Vol. 44, p. 745, 2007; GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 289. Available at SSRN: “In this short essay, written for a symposium in the San Diego Law Review, Professor Daniel Solove examines the nothing… Continue Reading

Hundreds of rules and proposed regs frozen or jettisoned by Trump administration

The Washington Post – “…The Trump administration said it was pulling or suspending 860 pending regulations. Of those, 469 were being completely withdrawn. Another 391 were being set aside or reevaluated. These proposed regulations could be revisited at some point or dropped altogether…“These rollbacks of critical public protections will leave American workers, consumers and children… Continue Reading

Humans collectively speaks over 7,000 distinct languages

The Conversation: “…People don’t speak one universal language, or even a handful. Instead, today our species collectively speaks over 7,000 distinct languages. And these languages are not spread randomly across the planet. For example, far more languages are found in tropical regions than in the temperate zones. The tropical island of New Guinea is home… Continue Reading

One Book Has 40 Metro Maps From Around the World

“The text [in this link] is an excerpt from the book “One Metro World” which [Paris-based architect Jug Cerovic] self-published with a KickStarter Campaign in 2017…Metro systems around the world are strikingly homogeneous. They share common mechanisms and infrastructure characteristics. Most systems are located underground, trains run on tracks and usually serve a fixed route… Continue Reading

Google – Welcome to Outer Space View

Google Blog: “Starting today, you can now explore the International Space Station in Street View in Google Maps. Thomas Pesquet, Astronaut at the European Space Agency (ESA), spent six months aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as a flight engineer. He returned to Earth in June 2017, and in this post he tells us about what… Continue Reading

Research – Humans produce almost 20,000 plastic bottles every second

We are literally drowning the earth in plastic waste according to numerous studies and research papers that repeatedly document the perhaps insurmountable damage done by human abuse, waste and collective neglect.  From a recent article in the Guardian, just one sentence that you need to genuinely understand, process and engage with: “Fewer than half of… Continue Reading

Citizens unredacted personal data concerning election fraud commission posted by White House

Follow up to resources with previous posting – States reject demand to provide all voter personal info to Trump election fraud commission – via Slate – White House Publishes Names, Emails, Phone Numbers, Home Addresses of Critics – “People who spoke up about their concerns over privacy suddenly found key private details, including their email… Continue Reading

Internet Archive TV News Lab Tests Facial Recognition to Alert Viewers

Internet Archive Blogs: “Working with Matroid, a California-based start up specializing in identifying people and objects in images and video, the Internet Archive’s TV News Archive today releases Face-O-Matic, an experimental public service that alerts users via a Slack app whenever the faces of President Donald Trump and congressional leaders appear on major TV news… Continue Reading