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Monthly Archives: January 2017

FCW – 3 in 10 agency websites miss OMB deadline to migrate to HTTPS

Federal Computer Week, Chase Gunter: “…While many agencies have indeed moved to HTTPS, 31 percent of the approximately 1,200 .gov domains monitored by the Pulse dashboard have not completed these conversions…To help transitioning agencies, GSA also launched a help site that provides technical advice and assistance, and “works directly with federal staff who are working… Continue Reading

COIN: A Study of Strategic Illusion

Etzioni, Amitai, COIN: A Study of Strategic Illusion (March 12, 2015). Small Wars & Insurgencies, 26:3, 345-376, 2015.. Available for download at SSRN: “Has the United States military become a learning institution, one able to transition from relying on a conventional war model to fighting against irregular adversaries such as insurgents and terrorists? This… Continue Reading

French workers win legal right to avoid checking work email out-of-hours

Agence France-Presse via The Guardian – “From 1 January, workers have ‘right to disconnect’ as France seeks to establish agreements that afford work flexibility but avoid burnout woman checks her phone while lying in bed From Sunday, French companies will be required to guarantee their employees a “right to disconnect” from technology as the country… Continue Reading

Commentary – How Social Isolation Is Killing Us

Dhruv Khullar, New York Times 12-22-16 – “Social isolation is a growing epidemic — one that’s increasingly recognized as having dire physical, mental and emotional consequences. Since the 1980s, the percentage of American adults who say they’re lonely has doubled from 20 percent to 40 percent. About one-third of Americans older than 65 now live… Continue Reading

Science reports American Community Survey and Census Bureau lack funding

Jeffrey Mervis – Census: “Add the U.S. Census Bureau to the list of government agencies whose activities may be threatened by the election of Donald Trump and the new Congress. The bureau has traditionally maintained a fairly low profile among federal agencies. At the same time, it symbolizes many things that the president-elect and congressional… Continue Reading

Legislative History of “Repeal and Replacement” of the Obamacare: Overview

This guide as created and is maintained by experts at the The Legal Research Center, Drexel School of Law. “The election of 2016 saw the GOP obtain control of the presidency and retain control of both chambers of Congress.  This created an opportunity for Republicans to “repeal and replace” the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),… Continue Reading

OPM 2017 Salary Tables and Effective Date

OPM news release:  “We have posted the 2017 salary tables on the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM’s) website at  The 2017 pay schedules will become effective the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning on or after January 1, 2017 (January 8, 2017, based on the standard biweekly payroll cycle). The… Continue Reading

NIST Periodic Table of the Elements

Periodic Table of the Elements – 2016 periodic table Version History | Database Disclaimer R.A. Dragoset, A. Musgrove, C.W. Clark, and W.C. Martin NIST, Physical Measurement Laboratory “A periodic table, containing NIST critically-evaluated data on atomic properties of the elements was designed as a NIST handout for use at exhibitions and trade shows. The publication… Continue Reading

Updated Household Projections, 2015 – 2035: Methodology and Results

“Using new Census Bureau projections and a revised methodology for predicting headship rates, this paper updates the Harvard University Joint Center for Housing Studies’ (JCHS) household projections for 2015 to 2035. The paper incorporates new population projections from the US Census Bureau that are substantially larger than the Census Bureau’s previous projections.The paper also makes… Continue Reading