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Monthly Archives: November 2016

DHS Releases Revised FOIA Regulations, Agrees and Disagrees with EPIC’s Suggestions

Via EPIC: “The Department of Homeland Security has released revised Freedom of Information Act regulations. EPIC submitted extensive comments on the proposed changes to the agency’s open government practices. The DHS agreed to make some changes, recommended by EPIC, that should improve the processing of FOIA requests. The agency maintained a broad definition of “educational… Continue Reading

Implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU institutional framework

This research paper was requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs and commissioned, overseen and published by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, 2016. “The EU institutions are required take into account the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the design and implementation of legislation or of policies, both within law… Continue Reading

EU – Parliament calls for stronger protection of women’s rights

European Parliament News – November 25, 2016 “The world continues to be a dangerous place for women: one in three women in Europe has experienced violence, while 55% of women been sexually harassed in the past 12 months. To raise awareness the Parliament buildings in Brussels will be lit up in orange tonight in honour… Continue Reading

Arctic Resilience Report

“The Arctic region is changing rapidly, in ways that could dramatically affect people’s lives and ecosystems. Climate change is a major concern, but rapid economic development and social transformation could also make significant impacts. Some changes may be gradual, but there may also be large and sudden shifts. For those charged with managing natural resources… Continue Reading

Unique Identification Codes for Federal Contractors : DUNS Numbers and CAGE Codes

Unique Identification Codes for Federal Contractors: DUNS Numbers and CAGE Codes, L. Elaine Halchin, Specialist in American National Government. November 21, 2016.” An essential element of the federal government’s acquisition system is the capability to identify the businesses, and other types of entities, that do work for the government. Accurate identification of potential contractors and… Continue Reading

CRS – Can a New Administration Undo a Previous Administration’s Regulations?

With the Stroke of a Pen: What Executive Branch Actions Can President-elect Trump “Undo” on Day One?, CRS Legal Sidebar, November 22, 2016. Can a New Administration Undo a Previous Administration’s Regulations? November 21, 2016 (IN10), Maeve P. Carey “Following the election of Donald J. Trump on November 8, 2016, questions have been raised as… Continue Reading

Curation, Evaluation, and Open Access for Teaching

“..It’s important for students to understand why good research can be useful. It’s not because peer reviewed research is better than any other kind of research, or that articles dressed a certain way are more true than articles that aren’t, but that academic research is driven by values that matter. Researchers ask genuine questions without… Continue Reading

Kasier – Key Medicaid Questions Post-Election

“Medicaid covers about 73 million people nationwide.  Jointly financed by the federal and state governments, states have substantial flexibility to administer the program under existing law.  Medicaid provides health insurance for low-income children and adults, financing for the safety net, and is the largest payer for long-term care services in the community and nursing homes… Continue Reading