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Daily Archives: November 16, 2016

Gallup – Women Lead Men on Key Workplace Engagement Measures

Gallup, Jane Miller and Amy Adkins, November 16, 2016: Gender diversity strengthens a company’s financial performance. Research from Gallup and many other organizations demonstrates this. Women bring distinctive viewpoints, ideas and insights to the workplace, and diverse perspectives lead to superior performance at the business-unit level. Women bring another valuable advantage to their employers — higher levels of employee engagement. Engaged employees are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work. These employees contribute to their organization positively. Gallup has found concrete links between employee engagement and crucial performance measures, including absenteeism, turnover rates, productivity and profit.”

U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission 2016 Annual Report to Congress

11/16/2016 – “The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission has released the 2016 Annual Report to Congress. This year’s report covers Chinese overcapacity, investment in the United States, state-owned enterprise reform, China’s military buildup, espionage threats to the United States, and China’s relationship with the world (including a special focus on Hong Kong, Taiwan, South… Continue Reading

Comparison of CBO’s Long-Term Projections With Those of the Social Security Trustees

“On September 21, 2016, the Subcommittee on Social Security of the House Committee on Ways and Means convened a hearing at which Director Keith Hall testified about the differences in the timing and magnitude of the financial shortfalls that CBO and the Social Security Trustees project for the Social Security system. After that hearing, Chairman… Continue Reading

Prospects for DoD’s Budget Over the Next Decade

Presentation by David E. Mosher, Assistant Director for CBO’s National Security Division, at the Professional Services Council’s 2016 Vision Federal Market Forecast Conference.November 16, 2016. “Pressure on the Department of Defense’s budget in future years will come from external fiscal constraints as well as growth within the department in the costs of weapon systems, manpower,… Continue Reading

Librarians work to create and defend vital spaces of information exchange

Public In/Formation. Now more than ever, we need to create and defend vital spaces of information exchange. Librarians, step up. Shannon Mattern, November 2016. This is an excellent long read with extensive documentation specific to the management, accessibility, usability and persistence of knowledge created by governments and “urban intelligence.” The author expertly weaves the critical… Continue Reading