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Daily Archives: November 7, 2016

Paper – How Does the Front Page of the Internet Behave? Readability, Emoticon Use, and Links on Reddit

Andrew  Tsou, First Monday, Vol. 21 No. 11 , November 7, 2016: – “Reddit, known as “the front page of the Internet,” has been one of the most widely visited Web sites since its inception in 2005. As a social networking site it is unique in that the personal relationships between its users are considered secondary to its content, which includes both original, user-generated content and links to outside sources. Although previous research has investigated other social networking platforms in depth, relatively little has been written on Reddit. The present research considers a variety of indicators, including text readability, emoticon usage, and domain linkage. It was found that the most popular communities on Reddit behave very differently from each other, in terms of language sophistication, sentiment, and topicality (as measured by top-level links to outside sources). The results can be used to inform future investigations of online discourse spaces, particularly those in the contemporary social media sphere.

Google helps you locate where to vote, how to vote, and real time election results

Where to vote- search, find and cast your ballot How to vote Who’s on your ballot [in English and Spanish] “When the polls close on Election Day on November 8, you’ll also be able to find real-time US election results integrated right into your Google searches in over 30 languages around the world.” Continue Reading

Pew – Social media causes some users to rethink their views on an issue

“Politics on social media – as in real life – isn’t always pretty. In an election season marked by partisan animosity, a recent Pew Research Center report found that many social media users describe their political encounters online as stressful and frustrating, and nearly four-in-ten have taken steps to block or minimize the political content… Continue Reading