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Daily Archives: November 1, 2016

Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach

This site [] came about after what at the time, was the largest ever single breach of customer accounts — Adobe. [Troy Hunt, a Microsoft Regional Director] often did post-breach analysis of user credentials and kept finding the same accounts exposed over and over again, often with the same passwords which then put the victims at further risk of their other accounts being compromised. The FAQs page goes into a lot more detail, but all the data on this site comes from publicly leaked “breaches” or in other words, personal account data that has been illegally accessed then released into the public domain. Have I been pwned? aggregates it and makes it readily searchable..”

CRS – Conflicts of Interest and the Presidency

CRS Reports & Analysis Legal Sidebar Conflicts of Interest and the Presidency, 10/14/2016 – “Does federal law require the President to relinquish control of his or her business interests? Federal regulation of financial conflicts of interest is aimed at preventing opportunities for officials to personally benefit from influence they may have in their official capacity.… Continue Reading

CareerBuilder Releases New Study on Which Cities are Most Likely and Least Likely to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

“If there was a zombie apocalypse, would your city prevail or be overrun by the walking dead? Just in time for Halloween, CareerBuilder is answering this question with a totally practical and 100 percent feasible study that gauges survival rates based on concentration of occupational skills and industries.  The research is comprised of a weighted… Continue Reading

Mellon Foundation and Digital Preservation Coalition Sponsor Formation of Task Force for Email Archives

“The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Digital Preservation Coalition announced the formation of a Task Force on Technical Approaches for Email Archives. The task force is charged with assessing current frameworks, tools, and approaches being taken toward these critical historical sources. Christopher Prom, assistant university archivist/Andrew S. G. Turyn Endowed Professor at the University of Illinois… Continue Reading

CBO’s Role in the Congressional Budget Process

Presentation by Megan Carroll, an analyst for CBO’s Budget Analysis Division, at the Budget Formulation and Execution Line of Business’s Fall Forum., November 1, 2016: “Since 1975, CBO has produced nonpartisan analyses of budgetary and economic issues to support the Congressional budget process. Each year, the agency’s economists and budget analysts produce dozens of reports… Continue Reading

Federal government owns lots of planes!

Reported Inventory, Use, and Cost of Federally Owned Aircraft, GAO-17-73R: Published: Oct 31, 2016. Publicly Released: Oct 31, 2016: “Federally owned aircraft are operated by agencies to fulfill their diverse missions. As of July 2016, 11 federal agencies owned 924 aircraft, excluding those that are loaned/leased/provided to other entities. This inventory included: 495 airplanes, 414… Continue Reading