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Monthly Archives: February 2016

National Archives Catalog adds new features

“We’re excited to announce that in the National Archives Catalog you can now: Enjoy the updated homepage featuring background images from Catalog records Add your comments on digitized records, descriptions, and authority records Find what you need with a more intuitive advanced search Efficiently browse search results with better “Next Page” link placement Track your… Continue Reading

European Integration and the Governance Of Migration

Caviedes, Alexander, European Integration and the Governance Of Migration (2016). Journal of Contemporary European Research. 12(1): 552-565.. Available for download at SSRN: “This article traces the development of EU governance of migration, with an emphasis upon key moments of institutional reform such as the creation of the pillar of Justice and Home Affairs within… Continue Reading

Rethinking Counterterrorism in the Age of ISIS

Aziz, Sahar F., Rethinking Counterterrorism in the Age of ISIS (February 18, 2016). Available for download at SSRN: Nations engage in preventive counterterrorism primarily through military and security tactics. Rather than address the underlying social, political, and economic conditions that produce politically-motivated violence, they misguidedly focus on the symptom — international terrorism. Moreover, the… Continue Reading

Paper – Solving journalism’s hidden problem: Terrible analytics

Via Brookings – “The path toward sustainable journalism is being undermined by terrible data, argues Tom Rosenstiel in this paper which contends that the metrics used to understand publishing were designed for other purposes and offer little information that is useful to journalists or publishers. For instance, page views can tell a publisher how many… Continue Reading

iPhone privacy concerns escalate after Fed order to unlock phpne

EFF: “This week’s order by a federal magistrate judge requiring Apple to engineer new security flaws in its iPhone software operating system has prompted widespread and escalating controversy. Legitimate concerns about its implications have driven users around the country to raise their voices in defense of not only their privacy, but also the security of their… Continue Reading

Space archaeologist directs prize money to saving endangered historical sites

National Geographic – “For years, archaeologists have waged a desperate global battle against the looting of ancient sites and the ransacking of humanity’s past. They have pressed government leaders to post police guards at major sites, crack down on the networks of antiquity smugglers, and issue red alerts on plundered artifacts.  But today American space… Continue Reading

Civil Eats reports FDA to plans testing for glyphosate in food

Carey Gillam writes: “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the nation’s chief food safety regulator, plans to start testing certain foods for residues of the world’s most widely used weed killer after the World Health Organization’s cancer experts last year declared the chemical a probable human carcinogen. The FDA’s move comes amid growing public… Continue Reading

National Archives and Records Administration FY 2017 Congressional Justification

National Archives and Records Administration – Summary of the FY 2017 Request Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request “The vision, mission, and strategic goals established in the FY 2014–FY 2018 NARA Strategic Plan confirm NARA’s commitment to openness, transparency, and citizen engagement through public access to government records. NARA’s new strategic framework adds context and a… Continue Reading

NPR reports on DOJ motion to compel Apple to unlock iPhone

Alina Selyukh writes: “The Department of Justice has filed a motion to compel Apple to cooperate with a government investigation and help access data on an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino assailants. The motion filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California (read it in full below) lays… Continue Reading

Pew – Who Is Regulating Mobile Payments?

“Every day, Americans use their smartphones to transfer money, pay for goods and services, and make donations. These transactions are collectively referred to as mobile payments. This infographic provides an overview of the many federal agencies that oversee the mobile payments marketplace, including payment processors and products. Regulatory overlap, gaps, and ambiguities exist in the… Continue Reading