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Monthly Archives: February 2016

Majority of Public Wants Senate to Act on Obama’s Court Nominee

Pew – “In the high-stakes battle over replacing Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, a majority of Americans (56%) say the Senate should hold hearings and vote on President Obama’s choice to fill the vacancy. About four-in-ten (38%) say the Senate should not hold hearings until the next president selects a court nominee. Most… Continue Reading

Dept. of Energy Notice – Protection of Human Subjects in Classified Research

Via Steven Aftergood – Secrecy News – “The Department of Energy last month issued new guidance on the conduct of classified scientific research involving human subjects. While all human subject research is governed by federal regulations, the new DOE policy imposes several additional requirements whenever such research is to be performed on a classified basis.… Continue Reading

GPO and LC to make bill status info in XML format available in bulk data repository

“The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has partnered with the Library of Congress (LOC) to make bill status information in XML format available through GPO’s Bulk Data repository on govinfo ( for the 113th and 114th Congresses.  Bill status information, which is created by LOC and Congress, describes the activities and status steps for each… Continue Reading

CompStat 2.0 provides New Yorkers with crime data from throughout the city

“This page displays the NYPD crime statistics as recorded in the CompStat book. CompStat periods run Monday through Sunday. All figures reflect statistics from the end of the most recent CompStat period. Geographic coordinates are mapped to the nearest intersection. This data is subject to change as complaints are investigated. Crime data is provided in… Continue Reading

WaPo – Obama nominates African American woman to be Librarian of Congress

“President Barack Obama will nominate the head of the Baltimore public library to be the 14th Librarian of Congress, the White House announced Wednesday. If confirmed, Carla D. Hayden will be the first woman and the first African American to hold the position. She would replace James Billington, who retired last year after 28 years… Continue Reading

President Obama posts comment new Supreme Court justice to SCOTUSblog

SCOTUSblog Obama, A Responsibility I Take Seriously, SCOTUSblog (Feb. 24, 2016, 8:00 AM), “A Responsibility I Take Seriously – The Constitution vests in the President the power to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.  It’s a duty that I take seriously, and one that I will fulfill in the weeks ahead. It’s also one… Continue Reading

GAO reports on huge costs to modernize National Nuclear Security Administration

Department of Energy: Observations on Efforts by NNSA and the Office of Environmental Management to Manage and Oversee the Nuclear Security Enterprise, GAO-16-422T: Published: Feb 23, 2016. Publicly Released: Feb 23, 2016. “The Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)—a separately organized agency within DOE—continues to face several ongoing challenges in modernizing the… Continue Reading

Characteristics of Businesses and Characteristics of Business Owners

“These reports provide selected economic and demographic characteristics of U.S. respondent firms and their owners. Data aggregates are presented by gender, ethnicity, race and veteran status of majority owners at the national level by 2012 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), and employment size and receipts size of firm. Characteristics of Businesses and Business Owners… Continue Reading

Central Bank Governance and the Role of Nonfinancial Risk Management

IMF – Ashraf Khan, February 23, 2016: “This paper argues that nonfinancial risk management is an essential element of good governance of central banks. It provides a funnelled analysis, on the basis of selected literature, by (i) presenting an outline of central bank governance in general; (ii) zooming in on internal governance and organization issues… Continue Reading

Legislative Options for Financing Water Infrastructure

Via FAS – CRS Report – Legislative Options for Financing Water Infrastructure – Claudia Copeland Specialist, in Resources and Environmental Policy; Steven Maguire, Section Research Manager; William J. Mallett, Specialist in Transportation Policy. February 18, 2016. “This report addresses several options considered by Congress to address the financing needs of local communities for wastewater and drinking… Continue Reading