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Monthly Archives: February 2016

Paper – Fed Communication Away from the Zero Lower Bound

Language after Liftoff: Fed Communication Away from the Zero Lower Bound – by Michael Feroli, David Greenlaw, Peter Hooper, Frederic S. Mishkin, Amir Sufi. February 26, 2016. “This paper examines the Federal Reserve’s communication strategy to see how well it has worked and how it can be improved. It argues that Federal Reserve communication when… Continue Reading

Pitching a Level Playing Field: Women and Leadership in Sports

Pitching a Level Playing Field: Women and Leadership in Sports by Barbara Kotschwar, Peterson Institute for International Economics and Tyler Moran, Peterson Institute for International Economics, December 2015. “While women’s presence in the leadership ranks of international sporting bodies has increased over the past decade, women continue to be underrepresented relative to their involvement in sports. Seeing qualified… Continue Reading

Report – Perspectives on 2015 Law Student Recruiting

NALP [National Association for Law Placement] – Perspectives on 2015 Law Student Recruiting: “Entry-level Law Firm Recruiting Activity Again Becomes Brisk Seven years after the Great Recession – Entry-level law firm recruiting activity continues to increase, with higher levels of activity measured in the spring, summer, and fall of 2015 than in 2014. Over the… Continue Reading

Minority women leaving big law in large numbers

ABA Journal – Minority women are disappearing from BigLaw–and here’s why by Liane Jackson: “…Eighty-five percent of minority female attorneys in the U.S. will quit large firms within seven years of starting their practice. According to the research and personal stories these women share, it’s not because they want to leave, or because they “can’t… Continue Reading

Absence of Equality and Human Dignity Values Makes American Sentencing Systems Fundamentally Different from Those in Other Western Countries

Tonry, Michael, The Absence of Equality and Human Dignity Values Makes American Sentencing Systems Fundamentally Different from Those in Other Western Countries (February 23, 2016). 45 Crime & Justice, 2016; Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper No. 16-08. Available for download at SSRN: “Concern for equality and human dignity is largely absent from American sentencing.… Continue Reading

Google – Protecting the world’s news from digital attack

Google Official Blog: “The web is an increasingly critical tool for news organizations, allowing them to communicate faster, research more easily, and disseminate their work to a global audience. Often it’s the primary distribution channel for critical, investigative work that shines a light into the darkest corners of society and the economy—the kind of reporting… Continue Reading

The Rosa Parks Collection is Now Online

“The Rosa Parks Collection at the Library of Congress has been digitized and is now online. The collection, which contains approximately 7,500 manuscripts and 2,500 photographs, is on loan to the Library for 10 years from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. The Library received the materials in late 2014, formally opened them to researchers in… Continue Reading

GAO reports on DHS HR IT failures

Homeland Security: Oversight of Neglected Human Resources Information Technology Investment Is Needed, GAO-16-253: Published: Feb 11, 2016. Publicly Released: Feb 25, 2016: “DHS’s human resources administrative environment includes fragmented systems, duplicative and paper-based processes, and little uniformity of data management practices, which according to DHS, are compromising the department’s ability to effectively carry out its… Continue Reading

GAO Audit of US Government Consolidated Financial Statements finds material weaknesses

Financial Audit: U.S. Government’s Fiscal Years 2015 and 2014 Consolidated Financial Statements, GAO-16-357R: Published: Feb 25, 2016. Publicly Released: Feb 25, 2016. “To operate as effectively and efficiently as possible and to make difficult decisions to address the federal government’s fiscal challenges, Congress, the administration, and federal managers must have ready access to reliable and… Continue Reading