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Monthly Archives: February 2016

Negotiations for UK wiretap order access to US social media

Washington Post: “If U.S. and British negotiators have their way, MI5, the British domestic security service, could one day go directly to American companies like Facebook or Google with a wiretap order for the online chats of British suspects in a counter­terrorism investigation. The transatlantic allies have quietly begun negotiations this month on an agreement… Continue Reading

Independent Voices – historic online searchable alternative press database

“Independent Voices chronicles the transformative decades of the 60s, 70s and 80s through the lens of an independent alternative press. Consolidated for the first time, Independent Voices provides over 1,000 titles from the special collections of dozens of libraries. Independent Voices provides easy access to the powerful voices of feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native… Continue Reading

Amazon Prime Members Have Digital Access to Washington Post for Free – 6 months

“Amazon today announced that Prime members can now enjoy six months of free unlimited access to The Washington Post National Digital Edition, a subscription usually retailing for $9.99 per month. After the first six months of access to world-class national and international news, Prime members can continue to enjoy unlimited digital access with a discounted… Continue Reading

College Students Can Now Receive Digital Access to The Times for $1 a Week

New York Times Co Press Run – “The New York Times today will begin offering college students full access to on the web and via its smartphone apps for just $1 a week. Students will be required to sign up for their subscription using their valid school email address, as well as provide their… Continue Reading

Federal Leaders Digital Insight Study 2014, 2015

National Academy of Public Administration – “The 2014 Federal Leaders Digital Insight Study, conducted by the National Academy of Public Administration (the Academy) in collaboration with ICF, is the inaugural report designed to survey Federal Leaders’ perspectives about the pace with which the government is adopting, applying, and leveraging technological advancements in service to its… Continue Reading

Report – Workers threw out U.S. nuclear secrets with common rubbish for 20 years

Center for Public Integrity – A persistent problem in nuclear weapons work crops up again “…In June 2014, a worker at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Tennessee was surprised to find U.S. nuclear secrets inside a trash bag marked for disposal along with standard rubbish. Taking a closer look, the worker found 19 more… Continue Reading

Federal agencies announce proposal creating U.S. seafood traceability program

NOAA news release: “Today, the National Ocean Council Committee to Combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Seafood Fraud announced its proposal for creating a U.S. seafood traceability program — the next step the U.S. government is taking to ensure that global seafood resources are sustainably managed and not fraudulently marketed.  The proposal, a major… Continue Reading

State of US Labor Market: Pre-February 2016 Jobs Release

Report via Center for American Progress – “On Friday, February 5, 2016 the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics will release the employment report for the month of January. This month’s report will be an important indicator of whether the volatility in financial markets reflects underlying trends in the real economy—specifically, the labor market. With the… Continue Reading

President Obama Proposes New ‘First Job’ Funding to Connect Young Americans with Jobs

Fact Sheet: “After the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, the United States is in the midst of the longest streak of private-sector job growth in our history, with more than 14 million new jobs created during the past 70 months. But for too many young people, getting a first job—a crucial step in starting… Continue Reading

Paper – Coming to Terms with Secret Law

Rudesill, Dakota S., Coming to Terms with Secret Law (January 6, 2015). 7 Harvard National Security Journal, 2015, Forthcoming; Ohio State Public Law Working Paper No. 321. Available for download at SSRN: “The allegation that the U.S. government is producing secret law has become increasingly common. This article evaluates this claim, examining the available… Continue Reading

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Strategic Implications

CRS report via FAS – The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Strategic Implications, February 3, 2016. “…Although most U.S. observers agree it is in the U.S. interest to lead in establishing global and regional trade rules, less consensus exists on what those rules should be, yielding some criticism on the strength and breadth of various TPP provisions. In… Continue Reading

Harvard portal helps track and map use of personal data

“About theDataMap – theDataMap™ is an online portal for documenting flows of personal data. It tells you where your data goes. The goal is to produce a detailed description of personal data flows in the United States. The effort started with health data and is expanding to all other kinds of personal data. The motivation… Continue Reading