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Monthly Archives: January 2016

Pew – Immigrant Employment by State and Industry

“The employment patterns of immigrants differ from those of U.S.-born workers across industries and states. This interactive captures the variation by measuring the employment distribution ratio, which compares the likelihood that an immigrant worker is employed in each of 13 industries with that of an U.S.-born worker in each of the 50 states and the… Continue Reading

White House announces new gun restrictions by executive action

Washington Post – White House outlines new gun restrictions, bypassing Congress – “The 10-provision package will require more gun sellers to be licensed and would force them to conduct background checks on potential buyers, and all federally licensed dealers will have to report any lost or stolen firearms to the authorities.” CNN – “These are… Continue Reading

DoD Needs an Effective Process to Identify Cloud Computing Service Contracts

Audit – DoD Needs an Effective Process to Identify Cloud Computing Service Contracts, DODIG-2016-038, December 28, 2015. “Objective – Our objective was to determine whether selected DoD Components performed a cost-benefit analysis before acquiring cloud computing services. In addition, we were to identify whether those DoD Components achieved actual savings as a result of adopting… Continue Reading

Report From the Student Privacy Frontlines: 2015 in Review

EFF: “This year the fight to protect student privacy hit a boiling point with our Spying on Students campaign, an effort to help students, parents, teachers, and school administrators learn more about the privacy issues surrounding school-issued devices and cloud services. We’re also working to push vendors like Google to put students and their parents… Continue Reading

GAO Report on Corporate Boards and Representation of Women

Corporate Boards: Strategies to Address Representation of Women Include Federal Disclosure Requirements, GAO-16-30: Published: Dec 3, 2015. Publicly Released: Jan 4, 2016: “Representation of women on the boards of U.S. publicly-traded companies has been increasing, but greater gender balance could take many years. In 2014, women comprised about 16 percent of board seats in the… Continue Reading

Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government: Free, Educational Content from GPO for Children and Adults of all Ages

Via – Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government: Free, Educational Content from GPO for Children and Adults of all Ages – Kelly Seifert gives us a tour of Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government, a service of the U.S. Government Publishing Office that presents educational content for children and adults of all ages on… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – New Job De-/script/-ions for Attorneys with Coding and Tech Business Skills

Via –  New Job De-/script/-ions for Attorneys with Coding and Tech Business Skills – Alan Rothman discusses the growing interest in and need for attorneys who have degrees and skills from another field that serves client requirements, previously focused on areas such as engineering, business and medicine. Already well established in professions that include… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Deep Web Research and Discovery Resources 2016

Via – Deep Web Research and Discovery Resources 2016 – Marcus Zillman has a longstanding and comprehensive expertise pertaining to the Deep Web. The Deep Web or Dark Web covers trillions of pages of information held in dynamically generated repositories throughout the global web that remain inaccessible through popular applications and search engines. Searching… Continue Reading

We Feel: tracking the mental health of Australia via Twitter and social media

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) [via Data Driven Journalism] “What is We Feel? – We Feel is a project that explores whether social media – specifically Twitter – can provide an accurate, real-time signal of the world’s emotional state. We Feel was designed by and is being provided by the Language and Social… Continue Reading

UK Survey – The digital skills gap in government

UK National Audit Office – “Government’s austerity and reform agenda means delivering the same or better with less resource. Civil service headcount is down nearly one-fifth since 2010. Further cost reductions will be difficult without major service redesign, and significant contribution is expected from digitally-enabled business transformation. To improve data about the availability of the… Continue Reading

Ultimate Ownership and Bank Competition

Azar, José and Raina, Sahil and Schmalz, Martin C., Ultimate Ownership and Bank Competition (January 2, 2016). Available for download at SSRN: “We document a secular increase of deposit account maintenance fees and fee thresholds with a new branch-level dataset, as well as substantial cross-sectional variation in these prices and in deposit rate spreads.… Continue Reading

The Rise and Fall of Silk Road

Via Wired – “In October 2013, a young entrepreneur named Ross Ulbricht was arrested at the Glen Park branch of the San Francisco Public library. It was the culmination of a two-year investigation into a vast online drug market called Silk Road. The authorities charged that Ulbricht, an idealistic 29-year-old Eagle Scout from Austin, Texas,… Continue Reading