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Monthly Archives: November 2015

Technology may help reveal text of ancient papyrus scrolls

John Seabrook – The New Yorker: The Invisible Library – Can digital technology make the Herculaneum scrolls legible after two thousand years?  “The papyrus scrolls of Herculaneum, which were discovered in 1752, have long fascinated and frustrated lovers of antiquity. They were found in an elaborate villa buried almost ninety feet deep by the volcano—this… Continue Reading

Federal Support for Development, Production, and Use of Fuels and Energy Technologies

CBO – “The federal government provides financial support for the development, production, and use of fuels and energy technologies both through tax preferences and through spending programs administered by the Department of Energy (DOE). Policymakers have provided that support with several goals in mind, including increasing domestic energy production, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and encouraging… Continue Reading

In 73 Percent of Counties, Healthcare.Gov Enrollees Could Lower Their Silver Plan Premiums by Comparison Shopping

“A new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that in 73 percent of counties served by, people enrolled in the lowest-cost silver plan this year could save money on premiums by switching to a different silver plan in 2016. In these counties, the silver plan with the lowest premiums in 2015 is no… Continue Reading

Global Concern about Climate Change, Broad Support for Limiting Emissions

“Nearly three-quarters of Americans see global climate change as a “very serious” (45%) or “somewhat serious” (29%) threat, and two-thirds (66%) say people will have to make major changes in the way they live to reduce the effects of climate change, according to a Pew Research Center report released earlier this month. People have received all sorts of advice… Continue Reading

2012 Economic Census Geographic Area Series

“The 2012 Economic Census concludes the Geographic Area Series for the information sector. This series includes statistics for publishing industries, broadcasting (except Internet) and telecommunications. The files provide statistics on the number of establishments, receipts, payroll, number of employees and other data items by industry. The Geographic Area Series provides these data at a U.S.… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – DOD Manufacturing Arsenals, InfoSec, Military Recruiting, SEC Conflict Minerals Program, Wildland Fire Management

DOD Manufacturing Arsenals: Actions Needed to Identify and Sustain Critical Capabilities, GAO-16-86: Published: Nov 17, 2015. Publicly Released: Nov 17, 2015. Information Security: Department of Education and Other Federal Agencies Need to Better Implement Controls, GAO-16-228T: Published: Nov 17, 2015. Publicly Released: Nov 17, 2015. Information Security: Federal Agencies Need to Better Protect Sensitive Data,… Continue Reading

European Security, Islamist Terrorism, and Returning Fighters

CRS – European Security, Islamist Terrorism, and Returning Fighters, November 16, 2015. “On November 13, 2015, coordinated terrorist attacks in Paris left at least 129 people dead and over 350 injured at six locations throughout the city. French President François Hollande attributed the attacks to the Islamic State terrorist organization (which subsequently claimed responsibility), and… Continue Reading

Kaiser Visualizing Health Policy infographic

“Based on a survey of primary care clinicians in early 2015, this Visualizing Health Policy infographic examines the experiences and attitudes of primary care practitioners (PCPs) after the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) major coverage provisions took effect in January 2014. Although most report no change in their ability to provide quality care, their opinions about… Continue Reading

GPO launches next generation of guide to US government

“The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) launched an updated and redesigned version of Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government. The educational website is named after one of our Nation’s most influential Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin.  The site is full of educational content on the workings of the U.S. Government and U.S. history. The updated site… Continue Reading

New Calculator for Employers Tallies the Full Cost of Employee Turnover

Center for Economic and Policy Research: “”Employee turnover costs businesses millions of dollars each year.  However, many employers don’t accurately track this expense, which could be reduced by improving workplace conditions.  To help business owners understand the cost of turnover, the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) and Center for Economic and Policy Research… Continue Reading