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Monthly Archives: November 2015 Tracks Content Takedowns by Social Media Sites

“The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Visualizing Impact launched today, a new platform to document the who, what, and why of content takedowns on social media sites. The project, made possible by a 2014 Knight News Challenge award, will address how social media sites moderate user-generated content and how free expression is affected across… Continue Reading

Analysis reveals info on 1.1 Billion NYC Taxi and Uber Trips

Todd W. Schneider – An open-source exploration of the city’s neighborhoods, nightlife, airport traffic, and more, through the lens of publicly available taxi and Uber data – “The New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission has released a staggeringly detailed historical dataset covering over 1.1 billion individual taxi trips in the city from January 2009… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Critical Infrastructure Protection, Federal Real Property, Climate Change, Fuel Pricing

Critical Infrastructure Protection: Sector-Specific Agencies Need to Better Measure Cybersecurity Progress, GAO-16-79: Published: Nov 19, 2015. Publicly Released: Nov 19, 2015. Federal Real Property: Additional Authorities and Accountability Would Enhance the Implementation of the Federal Buildings Personnel Training Act of 2010, GAO-16-39: Published: Oct 20, 2015. Publicly Released: Nov 19, 2015. Highlights of a Forum:… Continue Reading

IMF Global Financial Stability Report

“The Global Financial Stability Report provides an assessment of the global financial system and markets, and addresses emerging market financing in a global context. It focuses on current market conditions, highlighting systemic issues that could pose a risk to financial stability and sustained market access by emerging market borrowers. The Report draws out the financial… Continue Reading

Google – Updated Search Quality Rating Guidelines

Google Webmaster Central Blog: “Developing algorithmic changes to search involves a process of experimentation. Part of that experimentation is having evaluators—people who assess the quality of Google’s search results—give us feedback on our experiments. Ratings from evaluators do not determine individual site rankings, but are used help us understand our experiments. The evaluators base their… Continue Reading

State Report Card on Transparency of Physician Quality Information

“For a third year in a row most states receive a failing grade for providing information to consumers on the quality of physician care. While national attention has been placed on price transparency, a commensurate spotlight has not been shone on quality transparency. Even in states that have fully implemented all-payer claims databases, the use… Continue Reading

Outpatient Antibiotic Prescriptions by State 2013

Pew – Mapping U.S. Geographic Variations in Outpatient Antibiotic Prescribing – “The prescribing of antibiotics in outpatient health care facilities, such as primary care clinics and emergency rooms, represents a large proportion of antibiotic use in the United States. One study found that these settings accounted for over 60 percent of all dollars spent on… Continue Reading

Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, October 27-28, 2015

FOMC Minutes, October 27-28, 2015 – [snipped] “Equilibrium Real Interest Rates – The staff presented several briefings regarding the concept of an equilibrium real interest rate–sometimes labeled the “neutral” or “natural” real interest rate, or “r*”–that can serve as a benchmark to help gauge the stance of monetary policy. Various concepts of r* were discussed.… Continue Reading

World’s Largest Law Firm Will Have More Than 7,000 Lawyers

Bloomberg BNA – “The world’s largest law firm by attorney headcount will have more than 7,300 lawyers — some 3,000 more lawyers than the next largest firm, according to a recent announcement. Dentons said on Tuesday it has agreed to combine with Singapore’s Rodyk, with 200 lawyers, and Australia’s 500-lawyer Gadens law firm. The result… Continue Reading