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Monthly Archives: November 2015

Change in Household Spending After Retirement

November 2015 
EBRI Issue Brief #420 
Paperback, 20 pp. 

Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2015; Download Issue Brief PDF “Executive Summary •    This study shows how household spending changed in the immediate years following retirement by analyzing the spending patterns of a fixed group of households up to six years after their retirement. •    The data… Continue Reading

FDA approves sale of genetically engineered salmon to public

“After an exhaustive and rigorous scientific review, FDA has arrived at the decision that AquAdvantage salmon is as safe to eat as any non-genetically engineered (GE) Atlantic salmon, and also as nutritious. FDA’s Review of the GE Salmon – The FDA scientists rigorously evaluated extensive data submitted by the manufacturer, AquaBounty Technologies, and other peer-reviewed… Continue Reading

The Uncertainty of Long-Term Budget Projections

Presentation by Ben Page, CBO’s Fiscal Policy Studies Unit Chief, at the National Tax Association 108th Annual Conference on Taxation, November 20, 2015. “CBO’s long-term budget projections generally reflect current law and estimates of future economic conditions and demographic trends. Those projections depend on estimates of the future paths of mortality rates, productivity, interest rates,… Continue Reading

A search-based model of the interbank money market and monetary policy implementation

A search-based model of the interbank money market and monetary policy implementation by Morten Linneman Bech and Cyril Monnet. Working Papers No 529. November 2015. Bank for International Settlements. “We present a search-based model of the interbank money market and monetary policy implementation. Banks are subject to reserve requirements and the central bank tenders reserves.… Continue Reading

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) RDF Linked Data (beta)

“The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is now offering a beta version of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) data in RDF (Resource Description Framework). RDF is a well-known standard for representing structured data on the Web. Systems that use RDF are often called Linked Data because of RDF emphasis on well-described links between resources. During… Continue Reading

OMB – Federal Information Security Modernization Act Audit FY 2015

“In FY 2015 OPM was the victim of a massive data breach that involved the theft of sensitive personal information of millions of individuals. For many years we have reported critical weaknesses in OPM’s ability to manage its information technology (IT) environment, and warned that the agency was as an increased risk of a data… Continue Reading

New and Improved Charts and Data on Auto Loans

NY Fed – A Closer Look at Auto Loans: “Today, the New York Fed announced that household debt increased by a robust $212 billion in the third quarter of 2015. Both mortgage and auto loan originations increased, as auto originations reached a ten-year high and new mortgage lending appears to have finally recovered from the… Continue Reading

EPA Proposes to Reduce Smog-Forming Pollution Transported Across State Lines

News release: “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing updates to the agency’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) to address interstate air quality impacts for the 2008 ozone air quality standards. The proposed updates would reduce summertime emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) from power plants that contribute to downwind ozone problems in the… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Medicare Part B, Government Cybersecurity, Federal Real Property, Climate Change, Bulk Fuel Pricing

Medicare Part B: Expenditures for New Drugs Concentrated among a Few Drugs, and Most Were Costly for Beneficiaries, GAO-16-12: Published: Oct 23, 2015. Publicly Released: Nov 20, 2015. Critical Infrastructure Protection: Sector-Specific Agencies Need to Better Measure Cybersecurity Progress, GAO-16-79: Published: Nov 19, 2015. Publicly Released: Nov 19, 2015. Federal Real Property: Additional Authorities and… Continue Reading

Financial Literacy Skills for the 21st Century

Annamaria Lusardi – Colston Warne Lecture | September 2015 “Foreward: I am delighted to be asked to give the Colston Warne Lecture at the American Council on Consumer Interests annual conference. What I want to cover in this lecture [see the article and the powerpoint] is what I consider to be one of the most… Continue Reading

Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses

Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses. Zeevi et al., 2015, Cell 163, 1079–1094/ November 19, 2015 “Highlights High interpersonal variability in post-meal glucose observed in an 800-person cohort Using personal and microbiome features enables accurate glucose response prediction Prediction is accurate and superior to common practice in an independent cohort Short-term personalized dietary… Continue Reading

PWC 2015 US CEO Survey

“For the first time in five years in PwC’s Annual Global CEO Survey, more business leaders rate the US as their most important market for overseas growth ahead of all others, including China’s. As the US recovery gains traction, it is gaining more adherents. Challenges remain, yet key measures of US economic health are improving.… Continue Reading