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Monthly Archives: November 2015

FAA issues report on creating process to register drones

FAA – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Registration Task Force (RTF), Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) Task Force Recommendations, Final Report, November 21, 2015. “The stated objective of the Task Force was to develop recommendations for the creation of a registration process, which ultimately would contribute to an enforceable rule imposed by the FAA. The FAA stated… Continue Reading

Gartner – Turn Voice of the Customer Into Competitive Advantage

IT can lead the charge to give the customer a full voice and the enterprise unprecedented insights into its customers.  November 17, 2015, Contributor: Scott Smith. “Too often, the voice of the customer (VoC) gets lost across multiple data collection points, mired in separate systems, and trapped in departmental silos. IT can lead the charge… Continue Reading

Ancient History Encyclopedia

“Ancient History Encyclopedia is the global leader in ancient history content online, boasting the highest number of monthly visitors of any dedicated website…Our team of ten volunteers is passionate about history: We want to inspire our readers with the stories of the past, making history engaging and exciting. Here you’ll find high-quality articles, videos, interactive maps,… Continue Reading

Data enriched research, data enhanced impact: The importance of UK data infrastructure

Via London School of Economics: “The UK Data Service is trusted to manage the UK’s largest collection of UK and international social and economic research data, spanning major UK government-sponsored surveys, cross-national surveys, longitudinal studies, UK census data, international aggregate data banks, business microdata and qualitative and mixed methods data. The data in our collection… Continue Reading

IBM Watson Trend – the data science of shopping for the holidays?

“Outthink Holiday Stress.  Watson Trend helps shoppers understand what is trending and why through the cognitive power of Watson. To understand the science, read about Watson Trend – [as follows – weighted toward  purchases for Tech but includes Toys and Health]: Gift-guide experts voice opinions. Watson hears them all at once. Because IBM Watson understands… Continue Reading

Library Linked Data in the Cloud: OCLC’s Experiments with New Models of Resource Description

Carol Jean Godby, Shenghui Wang and Jeffrey K. Mixter – “This book describes OCLC’s efforts to help increase the visibility of library collections on the Web through the creation of library linked data—moving from a web of documents to a web of data. It focuses on the conceptual and technical challenges involved in publishing linked data… Continue Reading

WSJ shows impact of developed world’s working-age population declining next year, Greg Ip  (includes infographics) – “Ever since the global financial crisis, economists have groped for reasons to explain why growth in the U.S. and abroad has repeatedly disappointed, citing everything from fiscal austerity to the euro meltdown. They are now coming to realize that one of the stiffest headwinds is also one of the… Continue Reading

Open Access Meets Discoverability: Citations to Articles Posted to

Josh Schwartzman, Max Shron – Open Access Meets Discoverability: Citations to Articles Posted to “Using matching and regression analyses, we measure the difference in citations between articles posted to and other articles from similar journals, controlling for field, impact factor, and other variables. Based on a sample size of 34,940 papers, we find that… Continue Reading

23andMe Transparency Report

Along with other companies that provide paid services to customers that comprise the collection and identification of sensitive PII specific to health and genealogy issues, such as, there is increasing focus on how this information can impact individuals at work, for security reasons, and when attempting to qualify for various types of insurance. 23andMe… Continue Reading

Baltic Dry Index

“The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is an economic indicator issued daily by the London-based Baltic Exchange. Not restricted to Baltic Sea countries, the index provides “an assessment of the price of moving the major raw materials by sea. Taking in 23 shipping routes measured on a timecharter basis, the index covers Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, and… Continue Reading