I created and sustain beSpacific because I am passionate about law and technology and the myriad of ways the knowledge created by the intersection of these areas impacts our daily work, civic lives, education, and our communities of best practice.
I created and sustain beSpacific because I am passionate about law and technology and the myriad of ways the knowledge created by the intersection of these areas impacts our daily work, civic lives, education, and our communities of best practice.
“The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday announced that it is implementing several recommendations to enhance the supervision of large and complex banking organizations. The recommendations were developed after an extensive review of Reserve Bank procedures for supporting consistent and sound supervisory decisions as well as methods used by Reserve Banks to resolve differing staff opinions… Continue Reading
Luke Juday November 23, 2015: “As though the New Jersey suburbs were grafted onto South Carolina” is how Robert Lang of Virginia Tech’s Metropolitan Institute described Northern Virginia. Of course that’s a bit of a hyperbole. Even at the time of the Civil War, Virginia was one of the least “Southern” members of the Confederacy. Today,… Continue Reading
Pew Charitable Trusts – “The average length of time served by federal inmates more than doubled from 1988 to 2012, rising from 17.9 to 37.5 months. Across all six major categories of federal crime—violent, property, drug, public order, weapon, and immigration offenses—imprisonment periods increased significantly. For drug offenders, who make up roughly half of the… Continue Reading
“The 2012 Economic Census concludes the Geographic Area Series for the professional, scientific and technical services sector. This series includes statistics for legal services, accounting and tax preparation, computer systems design, and advertising and public relations services. The files provide statistics on the number of establishments, receipts/revenue, payroll, number of employees and other data items… Continue Reading
“The Kaiser Family Foundation’s Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator is now updated to include local data on 2016 health plans that are being sold through the Affordable Care Act marketplaces. The estimates are based on zip code, household income, family size, and ages of family members. The calculator also helps consumers determine whether they could be eligible for Medicaid.” Continue Reading
NYT: “The seafood industry in Thailand suffers from widespread labor and human rights abuses, exposing virtually all American and European companies that buy seafood from there to the “endemic risk” of having these problems as part of their supply chain, according to a report released on Monday by the food giant Nestlé. The report cataloged… Continue Reading
Research note: Greater tree canopy cover is associated with lower rates of both violent and property crime in New Haven, CT. Landscape and Urban Planning Volume 143, November 2015, Pages 248–253 doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.08.005. “Evolving literature suggests that modifiable neighborhood characteristics such as trees and other vegetation are inversely associated with crime. This study examines the relationship… Continue Reading
“The information contained on this website comes primarily from three datasets provided by the Chicago Police Department (CPD), spanning approximately 2002 to 2008 and 2011 to 2015. The CPD has released these lists in response to litigation and to FOIA Requests. The City of Chicago’s release of this information was accompanied by a disclaimer that… Continue Reading