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Daily Archives: September 25, 2015

Projecting Trends in Severely Cost-Burdened Renters: 2015–2025

“The number of households spending more than 50 percent of their income on rent is expected to rise at least 11 percent from 11.8 million to 13.1 million by 2025, according to new research by Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) and Enterprise Community Partners Inc (Enterprise). Released [September 21, 2015], Projecting Trends in Severely Cost-Burdened Renters: 2015-2025 paints a bleak picture of a growing renter affordability crisis, with the largest increases expected among older adults, Hispanics and single-person households. The findings suggest that even if trends in incomes and rents turn more favorable, a variety of demographic forces—including the rapid growth of minority and senior populations—will exert continued upward pressure on the number of severely cost-burdened renters. “Our analysis shows that even in the unlikely event that income growth greatly outpaces rent gains, the number of severely cost-burdened renters will remain near current record levels,” said Christopher Herbert, managing director of Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. “Given these data, it is critical for policymakers at all levels of government to prioritize the preservation and development of affordable rental housing as there are simply not enough quality, affordable rental units to provide housing for the millions of households paying over half their income in rental costs.”

2013 Business Dynamics Statistics

“The Business Dynamics Statistics provide annual statistics on establishments, firm startups, and job creation and job loss from 1976 to 2013 by firm size, age, industrial sector, state and metropolitan statistical area. These statistics are part of the U.S. Census Bureau’s effort to enhance understanding of entrepreneurship and innovation in the U.S. and are crucial… Continue Reading

HIV/AIDS Database Update

“The U.S. Census Bureau’s HIV/AIDS database has been updated to include new data for more than 120 nations. It is a compilation of data from 219 countries and areas on the prevalence of HIV infection and AIDS cases and deaths. Major updates include new data for China, Nigeria, India, South Africa, and Namibia. The database focuses on HIV/AIDS… Continue Reading

New research from Google: The underground market fueling for-profit abuse

Framing Dependencies Introduced by Underground Commoditization, September 2015 – via the Workshop on the Economics of Information Security 2015. “Internet crime has become increasingly dependent on the underground economy: a loose federation of specialists selling capabilities, services, and resources explicitly tailored to the abuse ecosystem. Through these emerging markets, modern criminal entrepreneurs piece together dozens… Continue Reading

Search the world’s historical newspaper archives

“The goal of is to make it possible to search all the world’s online historic newspapers from one place. We aren’t there yet, but we are adding more newspapers every day. With it is now possible for family historians, genealogists, and researchers to search historic digitized newspaper archives from around the globe.… Continue Reading

Google Research – Comparing Expert and Non-Expert Security Practices

“…no one can hack my mind”: Comparing Expert and Non-Expert Security Practices – USENIX Association, 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security. “The state of advice given to people today on how to stay safe online has plenty of room for improvement. Too many things are asked of them, which may be unrealistic, time consuming,… Continue Reading