“In FY 2013, federal agencies obligated $29 billion to 995 academic institutions for science and engineering (S&E) activities. This represents a 6% decrease in current dollars from the $31 billion obligated to 1,073 academic institutions in FY 2012. This is the third year in a row of declining S&E funding to academic institutions. These statistics are from the Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions from the National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NSF, NCSES). After adjustment for inflation, federal S&E obligations to academic institutions declined by $1 billion (4%) from FY 2011 to FY 2012 and declined by $2 billion (7%) between FY 2012 and FY 2013. For the remainder of this InfoBrief, unless otherwise noted, amounts for FY 2013 obligations are in current dollars and changes in funding across years are in inflation-adjusted constant dollars.”