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Daily Archives: November 27, 2014

Reducing aerodynamic drag on tractor trailer trucks results in major fuel savings

American Physical Society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics. “Small modifications to tractor-trailers could save billions of gallons of gasoline each year.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 November 2014.

“Each year, the more than 2 million tractor-trailer trucks that cruise America’s highways consume about 36 billion gallons of diesel fuel, representing more than 10 percent of the nation’s entire petroleum use. That fuel consumption could be reduced by billions of gallons a year through the use of drag-reducing devices on trucks, according to new studies.”

Sustainability vs. Credibility of Fiscal Consolidation. A Principal Components Test for the Euro Zone

Passamani, Giuliana and Tamborini, Roberto and Tomaselli, Matteo, Sustainability vs. Credibility of Fiscal Consolidation. A Principal Components Test for the Euro Zone (November 25, 2014). University of Trento DEM Discussion Papers, Department of Economics and Management. Available for download at SSRN:  “Why did some countries in the Euro Zone between 2010 and 2012 – until… Continue Reading

Survey Finds Millennials are Most Flexible Generation in Workforce

News release: “As more Millennials finish school and move into the workforce, commercial real estate is adapting to the different work styles and preferences of three different generations. A Coldwell Banker Commercial Affiliates survey released today delves into the differences and similarities of where and how Millennials (ages 18-34), Gen Xers (ages 35-49) and Baby Boomers… Continue Reading

Google purchases Smart Spoon

Graham Templeton – Geek: “Google’s new spoon is technically called a “tremor-canceling” invention, which means that it reads incoming movement and uses onboard motors to offset that movement and keep the bowl of the spoon as stationary as possible. It has to do more than just mechanical shock-absorbing, as it must dynamically undo the movement caused by random nerve… Continue Reading

When does the stock market listen to economic news?

Ivan Medovikov – Department of Economics, Brock University, Ontario, Canada, October 30, 2014. “We study association between macroeconomic news and stock market returns using the statistical theory of copulas, and a new comprehensive measure of news based on the indexing of news wires. We find the impact of economic news on equity returns to be nonlinear and asymmetric. In… Continue Reading

The Miner’s Dilemma – Paper

The Miner’s Dilemma – Ittay Eya, November 26, 2014 “An open distributed system can be secured by requiring participants to present proof of work and rewarding them for participation. The Bitcoin digital currency introduced this mechanism, which is adopted by almost all contemporary digital currencies and related services.  A natural process leads participants of such systems… Continue Reading