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Monthly Archives: August 2014

US-CERT: Backoff Point-of-Sale Malware

Systems Affected – Point-of-Sale Systems – Alert (TA14-212A) “This advisory was prepared in collaboration with the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), United States Secret Service (USSS), Financial Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), and Trustwave Spiderlabs, a trusted partner under contract with the USSS.  The purpose of this release is to provide relevant and… Continue Reading

EPIC Sues FBI for Missing Privacy Reports

“EPIC has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to obtain details about the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s surveillance programs. The agency is required to conduct privacy impact assessments when it collects and uses personal data. However, the Bureau has failed to publicly release privacy impact assessments for many of its programs, including facial recognition, drones, and license plate… Continue Reading

Why Millennials Aren’t Saving for Retirement and What We Can Do to Change That

Center for American Progress – Ben Schwartz and Sarah Ayres | July 31, 2014 “The median Millennial has saved exactly $0 for retirement—a startling statistic. While retirement may be in the distant future for the generation of American workers born since 1982, saving early is important because that money has the most time to realize the benefits of compounding interest. The problem… Continue Reading

Reliability Assessment of Current Methods in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

Reliability Assessment of Current Methods in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis. Terry Laber, Paul Kish, Michael Taylor, Glynn Owens, Nikola Osborne, James Curran. June 2014. The author(s) shown used Federal funds provided by the U.S. Department of Justice in preparing this final report. Final Report for the National Institute of Justice Award # 2010-DN-BX-K213. “To date there have been relatively… Continue Reading

Security Clearances: Tax Debts Owed by DOD Employees and Contractors

SECURITY CLEARANCES: Tax Debts Owed by DOD Employees and Contractors, GAO-14-686R: Published: Jul 28, 2014. Publicly Released: Jul 28, 2014. “In summary, GAO found that about 83,000 Department of Defense (DOD) employees and contractors who held or were determined eligible for secret, top secret, or sensitive compartmented information (SCI) clearances, or related interim clearances, had unpaid federal tax… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Data Transparency, Manufactured Housing

DATA TRANSPARENCY: Oversight Needed to Address Underreporting and Inconsistencies on Federal Award Website, GAO-14-476: Published: Jun 30, 2014. Publicly Released: Aug 1, 2014: “Although agencies generally reported required contract information, they did not properly report information on assistance awards (e.g., grants or loans), totaling approximately $619 billion in fiscal year 2012. Specifically, 33 of 37 agencies with… Continue Reading

Cramming on Wireless Phone Bills: A Review of Consumer Protection Practices and Gaps

News release – Chairman John D. (Jay) Rockefeller, IV, Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, August 1, 2014 “Today’s hearing is about a practice known as “cramming,” where consumers get charged on their phone bills for goods and services they never agreed to purchase. The companies that put these bogus charges on phone bills know that consumers don’t… Continue Reading

CFPB Finds Small Debit Purchases Lead to Expensive Overdraft Charges

“Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a report that raises concerns about the impact of opting in to overdraft services for debit card and ATM transactions. The study found that the majority of debit card overdraft fees are incurred on transactions of $24 or less and that the majority of overdrafts are repaid… Continue Reading

FTC Staff Report on Mobile Shopping Apps Found Disclosures to Consumers Are Lacking

News release: “A new staff report issued by the Federal Trade Commission finds that many mobile apps for use in shopping do not provide consumers with important information – such as how the apps manage payment-related disputes or handle consumer data – prior to download. The report, What’s the Deal? An FTC Study on Mobile Shopping Apps, looked… Continue Reading

The Digital Public Library of America: Collaboration, Content, and Technology at Scale

Daniel Cohen – July 14, 2014- Educase: “DPLA accomplishes its mission by aggregating metadata and thumbnails pointing to digital objects for millions of photographs, manuscripts, books, sounds, moving images, and more from a national network of partners. This network comprises individual nodes, or hubs, which work with DPLA to map and ingest their records into the DPLA… Continue Reading