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Monthly Archives: March 2014

Intimate Partner Violence in the United States – 2010

Intimate Partner Violence in the United States — 2010 is a publication of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. February 2014. “Intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking are important and widespread public health problems in the United States. On average, 24 people per minute… Continue Reading

Report – How Google Is Trying to Protect Your Drug Supply

“Illegal online pharmacies play a major role in the growing problem of counterfeit drugs, with regulation often challenging because they sell directly to consumers. As National Journal Correspondent Sophie Novack reports, though, some major internet players are working with the federal government to combat the problem. Writes Novack: “Google is now a member of the Center for Safe Internet Pharmacies,… Continue Reading

Report – vast hidden surveillance network runs across America, powered by the repo industry

Follow up to previous postings on license plate collection programs – see Shawn Musgrave’s article [editor of MuckRock via BetaBoston]: “Today, a legislative committee in Boston is scheduled to hold a hearing on a bill that would ban most uses of license plate readers, including the vehicle repossession business, making exceptions only for law enforcement, toll… Continue Reading

Gallup – Chronic diseases are more prevalent in the most obese states

“As the rate of obesity among U.S. adults continues to increase across all 50 states, health issues and costs associated with the chronic diseases that can accompany obesity will continue to rise. Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index data show Americans are not eating as healthily or exercising as often as in past years, which might play a role in the increase… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Expendable Launch Space Vehicle, International Food Aid, Retirement Security, Veterans, Workforce Investment Act

EVOLVED EXPENDABLE LAUNCH VEHICLE: Introducing Competition into National Security Space Launch Acquisitions, GAO-14-259T: Published: Mar 5, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 5, 2014. FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET REQUEST: U.S. Government Accountability Office, GAO-14-403T: Published: Mar 5, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 5, 2014. INTERNATIONAL FOOD AID: Prepositioning Speeds Delivery of Emergency Aid, but Additional Monitoring of Time Frames and Costs Is Needed, GAO-14-277: Published: Mar 5,… Continue Reading

Gov Docs for Kids

“Welcome to the Government Documents Round Table [GODORT] Government Information for Children [GIC] website. We are a group of government documents librarians who meet up and share the best info for students (of all ages) that comes from government sources.  There are a wide variety of government generated documents covering all kinds of topics.  This site is designed to… Continue Reading

McKinsey – Open data: Unlocking innovation and performance with liquid information

“Open data—machine-readable information, particularly government data, that’s made available to others—has generated a great deal of excitement around the world for its potential to empower citizens, change how government works, and improve the delivery of public services. It may also generate significant economic value, according to a new McKinsey report. Our research suggests that seven sectors… Continue Reading

NRDC Calls on EPA to Review Use of Pesticide that threatens monarch butterfly populations

“…NRDC is calling on EPA to re-examine the widespread use of glyphosate, commonly called Roundup, in light of its impacts on monarch butterflies.  Glyphosate was last approved by EPA in 1993 before the adoption of genetically modified crops that are tolerant to its use, known as “Roundup Ready” crops.  Now, however, Roundup Ready corn and… Continue Reading

Agencies Should More Fully Evaluate the Costs and Benefits of Executive Training

HUMAN CAPITAL: Agencies Should More Fully Evaluate the Costs and Benefits of Executive Training, GAO-14-132: Published: Jan 31, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 4, 2014. “Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) from 26 agencies reported that, from fiscal years 2008 through 2012, they spent almost $57 million (in constant 2012 dollars) on executive training provided by external providers. CHCOs reported… Continue Reading

Survey of Mental Health Throughout the United States

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (February 28, 2014). The NSDUH Report: State Estimates of Adult Mental Illness from the 2011 and 2012 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health. Rockville, MD. “Mental illness is a major public health concern in the United States. Information on the prevalence of mental… Continue Reading