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Monthly Archives: October 2013

LexisNexis Report – Understanding human trafficking risks in the chocolate supply chain

“Dark Chocolate focuses on the 476 English language articles identified in the Nexis database since May 2010 directly relating to human trafficking and the global cocoa supply chain. Representing a tiny fraction of the total volume of articles within the Nexis database, these articles provide insight into the media coverage of this shocking issue. 265… Continue Reading

MIT Faculty share 10,000 articles freely – with an appreciative world

Ellen Duranceau: “In the four years since the MIT Faculty adopted their Open Access Policy, the collection housing their open access articles has shown steady growth, and recently topped 10,000 papers. These papers are not simply stored and counted, however. They are read by grateful readers from all around the world. The stories are as… Continue Reading

FAQ on JPMorgan’s $13 billion in progress settlement

Neil Irwin – Washington Post [snipped] “What is JPMorgan Chase? – It’s the largest bank in the United States, with $2.4 trillion in assets. It is active in a wide variety of financial services businesses, including both what you might think of as ordinary consumer banking–taking deposits and offering car loans, mortgages, and credit cards–and… Continue Reading

EBA publishes final draft technical standards on NPLs and Forbearance reporting requirements

“The European Banking Authority (EBA) released today its final technical standards on supervisory reporting on Non-Performing Exposures and Forbearance, which will provide consistent indicators of asset quality of banks across the European Union. The EBA also issued recommendations on asset quality reviews (AQRs) aimed at supporting existing and/or planned reviews across the EU. The standards… Continue Reading

How Confusing Labels Land Billions of Pounds of Food in the Trash

The Dating Game: How Confusing Labels Land Billions of Pounds of Food in the Trash – This brief is a summary of a joint report of NRDC and the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic, September 2013. “Here’s a superbly-kept secret: all those dates on food products—sell by, use by, best before—almost none of those dates indicate the… Continue Reading

UK Government Security Classifications

The new Government Security Classification Policy comes into force on 2 April 2014 and describes how HM Government classifies information assets to ensure they are appropriately protected. It applies to all information that government collects, stores, processes, generates or shares to deliver services and conduct business. Published 18 October 2013 by the Cabinet Office.  Documents:… Continue Reading

Reality Check – ‘For every day of government shutdown, about one million emails at CDC go unread.’

Maryn McKenna, WIRED interviewed CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden: “The broader question is, what are the outbreaks that we don’t know about? At any one time, we’re investigating 25 or 30 clusters of illness. Initially we had sent home the vast majority of the staff working on foodborne disease. When it became clear that [the shutdown]… Continue Reading

Article Concentrations and Profiles of Bisphenol A and Other Bisphenol Analogues in Foodstuffs

Concentrations and Profiles of Bisphenol A and Other Bisphenol Analogues in Foodstuffs from the United States and Their Implications for Human Exposure – Chunyang Liao and Kurunthachalam Kannan.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2013 61 (19), 4655-4662. “As the concern over the safety of bisphenol A (BPA) continues to grow, this compound is gradually… Continue Reading

Working Paper – The Political Polarization Index

Working Paper No. 13-41 – The Political Polarization Index, Marina Azzimonti, September 2013. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. “American politics have become increasingly polarized in recent decades. To the extent that political polarization introduces uncertainty about economic policy, this pattern may have adversely a ected the economy. According to existing theories, a rise in the volatility… Continue Reading

Gallup – Americans Report Worse Hiring Situation During Shutdown

“The shutdown clearly affected Americans’ confidence in the economy, and made them less optimistic about their own standard of living. But one unfortunate though real economic effect of the shutdown was a likely damper on hiring activity, which prior to the government’s suspending non-essential services had been the most positive since the recession ended. Both… Continue Reading

Paper – Fiscal Foundations of Inflation: Imperfect Knowledge

Fiscal Foundations of Inflation: Imperfect Knowledge, Stefano Eusepi and Bruce Preston. October 4, 2013 “This paper proposes a theory of the fiscal foundations of  inflation based on imperfect knowledge and learning. The theory is similar in spirit to, but distinct from, unpleasant monetarist arithmetic and the fiscal theory of the price level. Because the assumption… Continue Reading