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Monthly Archives: October 2013

Commentary – New York has more homeless than it has in decades

Ian Frazer: “…during the twelve years of the Bloomberg administration, the number of homeless people has gone through the roof they do not have. There are now two hundred and thirty-six homeless shelters in the city. Imagine Yankee Stadium almost four-fifths full of homeless families; about eighteen thousand adults in families in New York City… Continue Reading

Release of latest version of Emily Dickinson Archive

“The Emily Dickinson Archive makes high-resolution images of Dickinson’s surviving manuscripts available in open access, and provides readers with a website through which they can view images of manuscripts held in multiple libraries and archives. This first phase of the EDA includes images for the corpus of poems identified in The Poems of Emily Dickinson:… Continue Reading

Trends in College Pricing 2013

Trends in College Pricing “provides information on changes over time in undergraduate tuition and fees, room and board, and other estimated expenses related to attending colleges and universities. The report, which includes data through 2013-14 from the College Board’s Annual Survey of Colleges, reveals the wide variation in prices charged by institutions of different types… Continue Reading

Court Rules Presidential Directives are Not Subject to FOIA but Orders Release of Additional Documents to EPIC

“A federal court has issued an opinion in EPIC v. NSA, EPIC’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit concerning the government’s policy for the security of American computer networks. As a result of the lawsuit, EPIC obtained documents that the National Security Agency had withheld from the public. The documents concern NSPD 54, a presidential policy directive outlining the scope of the NSA’s authority over… Continue Reading

Census – Income and Earnings Estimates for 2011

“This table package presents annual and monthly income and earnings estimates at the individual, family and household level for 2011 from the Survey of Income and Program Participation. Annual and monthly estimates by selected demographic characteristics, such as gender, race and ethnicity, age, marital status and highest level of educational attainment, are reported. This survey… Continue Reading

CRS Report on Student Bullying

Student Bullying: Overview of Research, Federal Initiatives, and Legal Issues – Gail McCallion, Specialist in Social Policy; Jody Feder, Legislative Attorney. October 18, 2013 “Many Members of Congress have become increasingly concerned about what can be done to address student bullying. This concern has arisen in response to high-profile bullying incidents that have occurred in recent years, and due to… Continue Reading

The Evidence for Violence Prevention Across the Lifespan and Around the World

Leigh Carroll, Megan M. Perez, and Rachel M. Taylor, Rapporteurs; Forum on Global Violence Prevention; Board on Global Health; Institute of Medicine; National Research Council The Evidence for Violence Prevention Across the Lifespan and Around the World “is the summary of a workshop convened in January 2013 by the Institute of Medicine’s Forum on Global Violence… Continue Reading

More than 40 percent of middle and high schoolers who smoke use flavored little cigars or flavored cigarettes

“More than two out of every five middle and high school students who smoke report using either flavored little cigars or flavored cigarettes, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published in the Journal of Adolescent Health. This article, using data from the 2011 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS), is the first… Continue Reading

National Reading Campaign – Canada – The Benefits of Reading

“A highly-quotable summary, ‘Reading Matters’ outlines the many benefits of reading, and cites the research to back it up. From voting, volunteerism and vocabulary to health, happiness and higher incomes, reading affects every part of our lives. CBC Books – Benefits of reading [infographic] Continue Reading

Report by Commission on the Future of the Library – UC Berkeley

Report of the Commission on the Future of the UC Berkeley Library, October 2013 [snipped] “Librarians versus Search Engines – These opening observations lead us to conclude that the most important contribution of the Research University Library in the next twenty years will be to provide the increasingly  sophisticated human expertise required to successfully navigate this… Continue Reading

The Future of the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex

Making Smart Security Choices – The Future of the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex. Union of Concerned Scientists. October 2013. “The mission of the U.S. nuclear weapons complex is to ensure a safe, secure, and reliable nuclear arsenal. The complex must be able to extend the life of nuclear warheads, assess their reliability and safety, understand… Continue Reading