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Daily Archives: February 10, 2013

New FDA reports provide data on antibiotic use in meat production and public risk

Antibiotics And Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria In Meat: Not Getting Better, By Maryn McKenna: “A few days ago, the Food and Drug Administration released two important documents related to antibiotic use in livestock raising, and what the results of that antibiotic use are. I’d say that they released them quietly, except, when it comes to this issue, every release seems to be quiet, never accompanied by the press releases or briefings that other divisions of the FDA use to publicize their news. The two documents are the 2011 Retail Meat Report from the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, or NARMS, and the 2011 Summary Report on Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals, which is known for short as ADUFA, after the 2008 Animal Drug User Fee Act which mandated the data be collected. These two reports capture almost all the data we receive from the federal government about antibiotic use in livestock production (which is not the same thing as “all the data the federal government possesses” — there is evidence they receive more than they release). So their annual release is an important indicator for whether antibiotic use in meat production, and antibiotic resistance in meat, are trending up or down.”

  • See also Pew Charitable Trusts report – Record-High Antibiotic Sales for Meat and Poultry Production
  • The new library of Babel? Borges, digitisation, and the myth of the universal library

    Via First Monday – The new library of Babel? Borges, digitisation and the myth of the universal library by Christopher Rowe “The growing capacity of digital encoding and storage has opened up vast new avenues for the archiving and distribution of texts in virtual space, prompting many to declare the imminent obsolescence of print media,… Continue Reading

    OECD – Economic Survey of the United Kingdom 2013

    Economic Survey of the United Kingdom 2013 – “Recovering from the recession, improving longer-term growth potential and reducing inequality are key challenges for the UK economy. Lingering effects from the global financial crisis, the restrictive impact from necessary fiscal consolidation and headwinds from the euro area sovereign debt crisis risk prolonging and worsening the economic… Continue Reading

    Content analysis study of librarian blogs: Professional development and other uses

    Via First Monday – Content analysis study of librarian blogs: Professional development and other uses by Grace M. Jackson-Brown “A content analysis study of leading librarian blogs shows how blogs are used for professional development, political advocacy for libraries, research and other information dissemination uses. An examination of blog posts, comments, and blogger responses to… Continue Reading

    Open Wireless vs. Licensed Spectrum: Evidence from Market Adoption

    Open Wireless vs. Licensed Spectrum: Evidence from Market Adoption – 26(1) Harvard Journal of Law and Technology (Fall 2012) by Yochai Benkler. “The paper reviews evidence from eight wireless markets: mobile broadband; wireless healthcare; smart grid communications; inventory management; access control; mobile payments; fleet management; and secondary markets in spectrum. I find that markets are… Continue Reading

    OCLC Research to Study MARC Tag Usage in WorldCat to Determine Best Use of Data Encoded Using MARC Standard

    “The goal of this new MARC Usage in WorldCat activity is to provide an evidence base for testing assertions about the value of capturing various attributes by demonstrating whether the cataloging community has made the effort to populate specific tags, not just to define them in anticipation of use. OCLC Research seeks to use evidence… Continue Reading