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Monthly Archives: March 2012

NOAA-led study: Colorado oil and gas wells emit more pollutants than expected

News release: “When NOAA scientists began routinely monitoring the atmosphere’s composition at a tower north of Denver a few years ago, their instruments immediately sniffed something strange: plumes of air rich with chemical pollutants including the potent greenhouse gas methane. Some of the pollutants picked up are known to damage air quality. Another, methane, is… Continue Reading

Sovereign Debt in Advanced Economies: Overview and Issues for Congress

CRS – Sovereign Debt in Advanced Economies: Overview and Issues for Congress, Rebecca M. Nelson, Analyst in International Trade and Finance, February 29, 2012 “Sovereign debt, also called public debt or government debt, refers to debt incurred by governments. Since the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, public debt in advanced economies has increased substantially. A… Continue Reading

HathiTrust – the future of digital libraries has many paths

Grounding Tomorrow’s Digital Library in Traditional Values: “Mr. Wilkin is executive director of HathiTrust, an online digital repository with more than 10 million volumes. Created in 2008 with the help of Google’s ambitious book-scanning project, the effort is housed at Michigan but draws on the collections and resources of more than 60 partner institutions. “From… Continue Reading

Pew – The emerging information landscape – 8 realities of the "new normal"

“Pew Director Lee Rainie gave a keynote at the NFAIS annual conference about the way the internet and mobile connectivity have transformed the worlds of networked individuals. He discussed how normal life has changed in the past decade because of three revolutions in technology: 1) the spread of broadband; 2) the rise of mobile connectivity;… Continue Reading

EPIC: European Justice Minister Says Google Now in Violation of EU Law

“European Justice Minister Vivian Reding said today that Google’s March 1 changes to its terms of service violate European Union law “in numerous respects.” Commissioner Reding pointed to the failure of the company to obtain user consent, the lack of transparency, and the fact that most users do not read privacy policies. European privacy officials… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – DHS Management; Drug Pricing, Endangered Sea Turtles, NASA, Yemen

Department of Homeland Security – Continued Progress Made Improving and Integrating Management Areas, but More Work Remains, GAO-12-365T, Mar 1, 2012 Drug Pricing – Research on Savings from Generic Drug Use, GAO-12-371R, Jan 31, 2012 Endangered Sea Turtles – Better Coordination, Data Collection, and Planning Could Improve Federal Protection and Recovery Efforts, GAO-12-242, Jan 31,… Continue Reading

Misinformation and Fact-checking: Research Findings from Social Science

Misinformation and Fact-checking: Research Findings from Social Science, by Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, February 2012 “Citizens and journalists are concerned about the prevalence of misinformation in contemporary politics, which may pollute democratic discourse and undermine citizens’ ability to cast informed votes and participate meaningfully in public debate. Academic research in this area paints a… Continue Reading

Labor Market Flexibility and Unemployment: New Empirical Evidence of Static and Dynamic Effects

IMF – Labor Market Flexibility and Unemployment: New Empirical Evidence of Static and Dynamic Effects, Lorenzo E. Bernal-Verdugo, Davide Furceri, and Dominique Guillaume March 01, 2012 “The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between labor market flexibility and unemployment outcomes. Using a panel of 97 countries from 1985 to 2008, the results… Continue Reading