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Daily Archives: January 20, 2012

World Bank – Global Economic Prospects 2012

Global Economic Prospects, Uncertainties and Vulnerabilities, January 2012

  • “The world economy has entered a dangerous period. Some of the financial turmoil in Europe has spread to developing and other high-income countries, which until earlier had been unaffected. This contagion has pushed up borrowing costs in many parts of the world, and pushed down stock markets, while capital flows to developing countries have fallen sharply. Europe appears to have entered recession. At the same time, growth in several major developing countries (Brazil, India and, to a lesser extent, Russia, South Africa and Turkey) is significantly slower than it was earlier in the recovery, mainly reflecting policy tightening initiated in late 2010 and early 2011 in order to combat rising inflationary pressures. As a result, and despite a strengthening of activity in the United States and Japan, global growth and world trade have slowed sharply.”>Global Economic Prospects: Uncertainties and vulnerabilities, January 2012 – “The world economy has entered a dangerous period. Some of the financial turmoil in Europe has spread to developing and other high-income countries, which until earlier had been unaffected. This contagion has pushed up borrowing costs in many parts of the world, and pushed down stock markets, while capital flows to developing countries have fallen sharply. Europe appears to have entered recession. At the same time, growth in several major developing countries (Brazil, India and, to a lesser extent, Russia, South Africa and Turkey) is significantly slower than it was earlier in the recovery, mainly reflecting policy tightening initiated in late 2010 and early 2011 in order to combat rising inflationary pressures. As a result, and despite a strengthening of activity in the United States and Japan, global growth and world trade have slowed sharply.”
  • Winter 2012 Law School Transparency Index Report

    Winter 2012 Transparency Index Report, January 2012 “As a new year unfolds and the debate about legal education reform continues, efforts in furtherance of law school transparency remain critical. While transparency of law schools’ post-graduation employment data will not solve all of legal education’s problems, it can put pressure on the current law school model… Continue Reading

    How Top Companies Create Clarity, Confidence and Community to Build Sustainable Performance

    Clear Direction in a Complex World – How Top Companies Create Clarity, Confidence and Community to Build Sustainable Performance. “In a challenging and dynamic business world, success depends on establishing a clear path to navigate through complexity. Organizations and their leaders — wherever they are around the world and whatever business environment they face —… Continue Reading

    Report – Retirement Planning In a Post-Crisis Economy

    Retirement Planning In a Post-Crisis Economy, January 2012: “Prolonged economic uncertainty and high unemployment have taken a heavy toll on U.S. workers. Few have escaped hits to their retirement savings or to their confidence in being able to retire comfortably. Unsurprisingly, many Americans have become more financially conservative, cutting back on spending and paying more… Continue Reading

    CDC – Prepregnancy Contraceptive Use Among Teens with Unintended Pregnancies Resulting in Live Births

    Prepregnancy Contraceptive Use Among Teens with Unintended Pregnancies Resulting in Live Births — Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), 2004–2008, January 20, 2012 “Approximately 400,000 teens aged 15–19 years give birth every year in the United States, and the teen birth rate remains the highest in the developed world. Teen childbearing is a public health… Continue Reading