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Monthly Archives: September 2011

Use of Victim Service Agencies by Victims of Serious Violent Crime, 1993-2009

Victim Service Agencies by Victims of Serious Violent Crime, 1993-2009 (NCJ 234212), by BJS statistician Lynn Langton: “Presents data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) on trends in the percentage of serious violent crime victims who received help or advice from a victim service agency from 1993 to 2009. This special report examines the… Continue Reading

Gallup: More U.S. Workers Unhappy With Health Benefits, Promotions

Gallup, September 5, 2011 – Workers least satisfied with on-the-job stress, tangible rewards for their work, by Lymari Morales: “U.S. workers are more dissatisfied today with their health insurance benefits and their chances for promotion than they were before the global economic collapse. These are the biggest movers since August 2008 on a list of… Continue Reading

Social Security and Retirement Around the World

Social Security and Retirement Around the World: Historical Trends in Mortality and Health, Employment, and Disability Insurance Participation and Reforms: Disability in Belgium: There is More than Meets the Eye. Alain Jousten, University of Liege – Department of Economics; Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA); Netspar; International Monetary Fund (IMF; Mathieu Lefèbvre, University of… Continue Reading

An Economic Model of Corporate Social Responsibility Under Global Warming

Barboza, Gustavo A. and Trejos, Sandra, An Economic Model of Corporate Social Responsibility Under Global Warming (September 5, 2011) “Abstract: This study develops a model for the profit maximizing firm with corporate social responsibility behavior as compatible and mutual goals to effectively reduce negative effects of global warming externalities. Our model results indicate that under… Continue Reading

The 2011 Federal Customer Experience Study

Uncle Sam at Your Service – The 2011 Federal Customer Experience Study, August 29, 2011. MeriTalk Government IT Network. “31% of Americans are very satisfied with Federal service this year, up from 24% in 2010 Americans report the biggest improvements in agency responsiveness and information consistency, where the percentage of very satisfied Americans grew from… Continue Reading

Paper – The Logic of Child Soldiering and Coercion

The Logic of Child Soldiering and Coercion, by Bernd Beber/New York University and Christopher Blattman/Yale University†, July 2011 “We adapt theories of industrial organization to rebellious groups and show how, being less able fighters, children are attractive recruits if and only if they are easier to intimidate, indoctrinate and misinform than adults. This ease of… Continue Reading

IMF: Apocalypse Then: The Evolution of the North Atlantic Economy and the Global Crisis

Apocalypse Then: The Evolution of the North Atlantic Economy and the Global Crisis. Tamim Bayoumi and Trung Bui. September 01, 2011 “The financial crisis, originated from the collapse of US housing markets in 2008, reverberates around the world. Its destructive force was felt nowhere more keenly than Western Europe. Indeed, it continues to mire in… Continue Reading

Payment, clearing and settlement systems in the CPSS countries – Volume 1

Payment, clearing and settlement systems in the CPSS countries – Volume 1, September 2011 [436 pages, PDF] “The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) publishes – under the aegis of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) – reference works on the payment systems and other financial market infrastructures of various countries, widely known as… Continue Reading

Mobile Learning: The Current Landscape in the Department of Defense

Mobile Learning: The Current Landscape in the Department of Defense (DoD), Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Co-Laboratories, 10 August 2011 Version 1.0 “The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative recognizes the ubiquity of mobile devices and believes continued research regarding their use is warranted. However, ADL recognizes that the selection of mobile technology should be driven by… Continue Reading