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Monthly Archives: September 2011

An Examination of Parole Release for Prisoners Serving Life Sentences with the Possibility of Parole in California

Life in Limbo – An Examination of Parole Release for Prisoners Serving Life Sentences with the Possibility of Parole in California, Robert Weisberg, Debbie A. Mukamal and Jordan D. Segall. September 2011. Stanford Criminal Justice Center “In recent years, California’s prison system has been under federal judicial control because of severe overcrowding, which partly results… Continue Reading

Judicial Conference of the United States Approves Pacer Rate Increase

News release: “The Conference also authorized an increase in the Judiciary’s electronic public access fee in response to increasing costs for maintaining and enhancing the electronic public access system. The increase in the electronic public access (EPA) fee, from $.08 to $.10 per page, is needed to continue to support and improve the Public Access… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Chesapeake Bay Restoration, Disaster Recovery

Chesapeake Bay: Restoration Effort Needs Common Federal and State Goals and Assessment Approach, GAO-11-802, September 15, 2011 Disaster Recovery: Federal Contracting in the Aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, GAO-11-942T, September 15, 2011 DOD Financial Management: Improvement Needed in DOD Components’ Implementation of Audit Readiness Effort, GAO-11-851, September 13, 2011 DOD Financial Management: Marine Corps… Continue Reading

OECD Employment Outlook 2011

News release: “Unemployment remains stubbornly high in the OECD area with the latest economic forecasts suggesting job creation will remain anaemic in the near term, according to a new OECD report. The OECD’s latest Employment Outlook [with links to full data package] says that in mid 2011 the number of unemployed people in the OECD… Continue Reading

Industrial Organization and Systemic Risk: An Agenda for Further Research

Industrial Organization and Systemic Risk: An Agenda for Further Research, Federal Reserve Governor Daniel K. Tarullo At the Conference on the Regulation of Systemic Risk, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C., September 15, 2011 “Regulators must consider how new resolution frameworks such as that created by Dodd-Frank will affect market participants’ beliefs about what will happen… Continue Reading

CCH Tax Briefing: President Proposes $447 Billion Jobs Package

President Proposes $447 Billion Jobs Package, Updated: September 15, 2011: “President Obama has challenged Congress to immediately pass the American Jobs Act of 2011 – a $447 billion jobs package, including payroll tax cuts and tax credits to encourage hiring, along with extended 100 percent bonus depreciation, which would be paid for by limiting deductions… Continue Reading

Worldwide Web Consortium Launches Tracking Protection Working Group

“The Tracking Protection Working Group is chartered to improve user privacy and user control by defining mechanisms for expressing user preferences around Web tracking and for blocking or allowing Web tracking elements. The group seeks to standardize the technology and meaning of Do Not Track, and of Tracking Selection Lists.” See in Input Documents as… Continue Reading

CDC: Lung cancer rates decline nationwide

State-Specific Trends in Lung Cancer Incidence and Smoking — United States, 1999–2008. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) September 16, 2011 / 60(36);1243-1247 “Lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in the United States (1). Most deaths from lung cancer are caused by cigarette smoking and exposure… Continue Reading