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Monthly Archives: August 2011

Report: Leading Innovation in Government

Snapshot|What Drives Innovation in the Federal Government: “How innovative is the federal government? What drives innovation in federal agencies? And, what can leaders do, if anything, to promote innovation within their agencies and teams? Given the importance of improving government effectiveness and delivering better results for the American people within today’s budgetary constraints, these are… Continue Reading

Weathering the financial crisis: good policy or good luck?

Weathering the financial crisis: good policy or good luck? by Stephen Cecchetti, Michael R King and James Yetman. Working Papers No 351, Bank for International Settlements, August 2011 “The macroeconomic performance of individual countries varied markedly during the 2007-09 global financial crisis. While China’s growth never dipped below 6% and Australia’s worst quarter was no… Continue Reading

IMF – Mexico: Staff Report for the 2011 Article IV Consultation

Mexico: Staff Report for the 2011 Article IV Consultation, August 08, 2011 “Following a sharp decline in 2009, output growth has rebounded strongly, attesting to Mexico’s strong fundamentals and skillful policy making. Strong exports are leading the recovery, with a rebound in domestic demand sustaining the momentum. Strong growth is envisaged to continue this year… Continue Reading

Data-Enabled Government: How Well Is Our Personal Information Used and Protected?

Data-Enabled Government: How Well Is Our Personal Information Used and Protected? – HP Business White Paper “This is a summary of a longer report written in co-operation with the Economist Intelligence Unit. It examines the key issues surrounding the use and protection of personal data and draws on in-depth interviews with experts working on the… Continue Reading

New GAO Report – Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance – Carrier Interest in the Federal Program, Changes to Its Actuarial Assumptions, and OPM Oversight, GAO-11-630. August 10, 2011 “Since 2002, the federal government has offered long-term care insurance to its employees, retirees, and certain others through the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP). Enrollees pay the full cost of their… Continue Reading

UK FSA publishes Recovery and Resolution Plans consultation

News release: “The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has published a Consultation Paper (CP) and Discussion Paper (DP) on its proposals for Recovery and Resolution Plans (RRP), required of financial institutions. The publication also covers policy proposals aimed at reducing the impact of firms’ failure in relation to their investment business client money and custody assets… Continue Reading

Work-Based Predictors of Mortality: A 20-Year Follow-Up of Healthy Employees

Work-based predictors of mortality: A 20-year follow-up of healthy employees. Shirom, A., Toker, S., Alkaly, Y., Jacobson, O. & Balicer, R. (in press). Health Psychology. “Objectives. This study investigated the effects of the Job-Demand- Control-Support (JDC-S) model’s components, workload, control, peer and supervisor social support, on the risk of all-cause mortality. Also examined was the… Continue Reading

Mobile App Security Study: appWatchdog Findings

“Data (in)security is rapidly gaining consumer attention in major media. In 2011 major breaches at Sony, Epsilon and others have highlighted the risk consumers face from their data being compromised. Major corporations are now recognizing the urgency to implement strong and innovative security measures to ensure the security of their customers’ data. At the same… Continue Reading

Cross State Air Pollution Rule requires emissions reductions from Eastern U.S. powerplants

EIA: “On July 7, 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final version of the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). The CSAPR is intended to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from power plants in the eastern half of the United States by imposing state-level caps on emissions and facilitating… Continue Reading

Commentary: The Greater Recession: America Suffers from a Crisis of Productivity

The Atlantic – Derek Thompson: “The collapse of the middle class is greater than the Great Recession. But what’s really behind our 30-year crash? One statistic, often ignored, begins to provide a clearer picture. It’s the productivity, stupid.” “We know where the jobs are going — to machines, software, and foreign workers. We also know… Continue Reading

NCLS: 2011 Immigration-Related Laws and Resolutions in the States (January-June)

“In the first half of 2011, state legislators introduced 1,592 bills and resolutions relating to immigrants and refugees in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. The number of bill introductions is an increase of 16 percent compared to the first half of 2010, when 46 states considered 1,374 bills and resolutions pertaining to immigrants. As… Continue Reading

EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook

News release includes links to data, tables, charts: “EIA expects the U.S. average refiner acquisition cost of crude oil will rise from $100 per barrel in 2011 to $107 per barrel in 2012 as global spare production capacity and inventories continue to decline. This forecast assumes that U.S. real gross domestic product (GDP) grows by… Continue Reading