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Monthly Archives: May 2011

Paper: Loving the Cyber Bomb? The Dangers of Threat Inflation in Cybersecurity Policy

Loving the Cyber Bomb? The Dangers of Threat Inflation in Cybersecurity Policy, Jerry Brito & Tate Watkins, Mercatus Center at George Mason University, Apr 26, 2011. “Over the past two years there has been a steady drumbeat of alarmist rhetoric coming out of Washington about potential catastrophic cyber threats. For example, at a Senate Armed… Continue Reading

Study: Rural Broadband Subsidy Program Wastes Funds in Areas Already Served by Broadband

“A new economic analysis of federal government broadband stimulus projects awarded by the Department of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service (RUS) concludes that the program’s funding of duplicative broadband networks has resulted in an extremely high cost to reach a small number of unserved households. The study, Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of RUS Broadband Subsidies: Three Case… Continue Reading

Investigation: Potentially 10 Million Credit Cards Exposed in Sony PlayStation Security Breach

EPIC: “Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder asking that the Department of Justice open an investigation into the Sony PlayStation security breach. Sony recently informed PlayStation Network customers that an “unauthorized user” had obtained the personal and financial information of 70 million gamers, including minors. Blumenthal wrote that whomever hacked into… Continue Reading

Report: Poverty in households with children is rising in nearly all OECD countries

News release: “Poverty in households with children is rising in nearly all OECD countries. Governments should ensure that family support policies protect the most vulnerable, according to the OECD’s first-ever report on family well-being. Doing Better for Families says that families with children are more likely to be poor today than in previous decades, when… Continue Reading