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Monthly Archives: May 2011

Melting Pot Cities and Suburbs: Racial and Ethnic Change in Metro America in the 2000s

Melting Pot Cities and Suburbs: Racial and Ethnic Change in Metro America in the 2000s, William H. Frey, Senior Fellow, Metropolitan Policy Program, The Brookings Institution. “The historically sharp racial and ethnic divisions between cities and suburbs in metropolitan America are more blurred than ever…An analysis of data from the 1990, 2000, and 2010 decennial… Continue Reading

The Deciders: Facebook, Google, and the Future of Privacy and Free Speech

The Deciders: Facebook, Google, and the Future of Privacy and Free Speech, Jeffrey Rosen “Open Planet [24/7 ubiquitous surveillance system] is not a technological fantasy. Most of the architecture for implementing it already exists, and it would be a simple enough task for Facebook or Google, if the companies chose, to get the system up… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Commercial Space Transportation, Mortgage Foreclosures, DOE Nuclear Waste

Commercial Space Transportation: Industry Trends and Key Issues Affecting Federal Oversight and International Competitiveness, GAO-11-629T, May 05, 2011 Veterans’ Education Benefits: Enhanced Guidance and Collaboration Could Improve Administration of the Post-9/11 GI Bill Program, GAO-11-356R, May 05, 2011 Mortgage Foreclosures: Documentation Problems Reveal Need for Ongoing Regulatory Oversight, GAO-11-433, May 02, 2011 DOE Nuclear Waste:… Continue Reading

White House releases data on thousands of excess federal properties across the country

Saving Money by Selling Excess Property: “We…are releasing data on thousands of excess properties across the country and an interactive map that allows you to see which excess properties are on the government’s books in your state so that you can hold Congress and the Administration accountable for our progress. You also can use this… Continue Reading

Direct Overt U.S. Aid and Military Reimbursements to Pakistan, FY2002-FY2012

Via Secrecy News: “A retrospective tabulation of U.S. aid to Pakistan, up to and including the FY2012 budget request, was prepared in updated form yesterday by the Congressional Research Service. See Direct Overt U.S. Aid and Military Reimbursements to Pakistan, FY2002-FY2012 (rounded to the nearest millions of dollars), Prepared for the Congressional Research Service by… Continue Reading

Bernanke Speech: Implementing a Macroprudential Approach to Supervision and Regulation

Implementing a Macroprudential Approach to Supervision and Regulation, Chairman Ben S. Bernanke At the 47th Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, Chicago, Illinois, May 5, 2011 “Relative to traditional regulation and supervision, executing a macroprudential approach to oversight can involve heavier informational requirements and more-complex analytic frameworks. In particular, because of the highly interconnected… Continue Reading

Hearing on The Threat of Data Theft to American Consumers

Via CDT – The Threat of Data Theft to American Consumers: “Two high profile data (Sony’s Playstation and Epsilon) breaches have grabbed headlines lately because of their recency, data breach is a major longstanding problem for consumers, businesses and government. According to Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a staggering 600 million records have been breached due to… Continue Reading