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Monthly Archives: May 2011

Core Documents of U.S. Democracy

Core Documents of U.S. Democracy: “To provide American citizens direct online access to the basic Federal Government documents that define our democratic society, a core group of current and historical Government publications was made available via GPO Access. These titles contain information which is vital to the democratic process and critical to an informed electorate.… Continue Reading

DHS OIG – Oversight of Component Acquisition Programs

DHS Oversight of Component Acquisition Programs, OIG-11-71, April 2011 “Acquisitions consume a significant part of the Department of Homeland Security’s annual budget and are fundamental to the department’s ability to accomplish its mission. The department’s revised enacted budget authority for fiscal year 2010 is approximately $55.3 billion, and between October 2009 and August 2010, it… Continue Reading

A History of the New York Public Library as Seen Through Notable Researchers

A History of the Library as Seen Through Notable Researchers by Thomas G. Lannon, Assistant Curator, Manuscripts & Archives Division, May 2, 2011 “The New York Public Library’s Beaux-Arts Stephen A. Schwarzman Building celebrates its 100th anniversary this month on May 23. The Centennial offers a wonderful opportunity to reflect on Library use from the… Continue Reading

Applications Made to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court During 2010

FISA Annual Reports to Congress 2010 [via FAS] “During calendar year 2010, the Government made 1,579 applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (hereinafter “FISC”) for authority to conduct electronic surveillance andlor physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes. The 1,579 applications include applications made solely for electronic surveillance, applications made solely for physical search, and… Continue Reading

Access to Government Information – FY 2012 Appropriation Issues

American Library Association (ALA): “President Obama’s FY2012 Budget Request to Congress, proposed the elimination of the Statistical Compendia Branch in the U.S. Census Bureau. This branch compiles and releases all kinds of reports such as the Statistical Abstract and the “County and City Data Book” that include tremendous amounts of data used extensively by the… Continue Reading

Census Bureau Releases 2010 Census Demographic for DC and 12 States

News release: “The U.S. Census Bureau [May 4, 2011] released the Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 for the District of Columbia, Florida, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia. The demographic profiles provide 2010 Census data on age and sex distributions, race,… Continue Reading

Payroll employment rises 244,000 in April; unemployment rate edges up to 9.0%

Employment Situation Summary – April 2011 “Nonfarm payroll employment rose by 244,000 in April, and the unemployment rate edged up to 9.0 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job gains occurred in several service providing industries, manufacturing, and mining. Household Survey Data: The number of unemployed persons, at 13.7 million, changed little… Continue Reading