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Monthly Archives: May 2011

Foreclosure Activity at 40-Month Low – Due to Delays Processing- Says Report

News release: “RealtyTrac®, the leading online marketplace for foreclosure properties, released its U.S. Foreclosure Market Report™ for April 2011, which shows foreclosure filings — default notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessions — were reported on 219,258 U.S. properties in April, a 9 percent decrease from March and a 34 percent decrease from April 2010. The… Continue Reading

Digital Images of Yale’s Vast Cultural Collections Now Available for Free

News release: “Scholars, artists and other individuals around the world will enjoy free access to online images of millions of objects housed in Yale’s museums, archives, and libraries thanks to a new “Open Access” policy that the University announced today. Yale is the first Ivy League university to make its collections accessible in this fashion,… Continue Reading

Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR)

Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR): “If you have a financial interest in or signature authority over a foreign financial account, including a bank account, brokerage account, mutual fund, trust, or other type of foreign financial account, the Bank Secrecy Act may require you to report the account yearly to the Internal Revenue… Continue Reading

CDC Finds Annual Estimated Cost of U.S. Crash-Related Deaths is $41 Billion

News release: “Motor vehicle crash-related deaths in the United States resulted in an estimated $41 billion in medical and work loss costs in a year, according to state-based estimates released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Half of this cost ($20.4 billion) was in 10 states, the report says. CDC’s data analysis… Continue Reading

Social Security Board of Trustees: Projected Trust Fund Exhaustion One Year Sooner

News release: “The Social Security Board of Trustees today released its annual report on the financial health of the Social Security Trust Funds. The combined assets of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust Funds will be exhausted in 2036, one year sooner than projected last year. The DI Trust Fund, while… Continue Reading

HM Treasury – The Magenta Book Guidance for evaluation

“The Magenta Book is HM Treasury guidance on evaluation for Central Government, but will also be useful for all policy makers, including in local government, charities and the voluntary sectors. It sets out the key issues to consider when designing and managing evaluations, and the presentation and interpretation of evaluation results. It describes why thinking… Continue Reading