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Monthly Archives: March 2011

AVG Study Reveals Alarming Complacency Among Users of Mobile Devices on Security

Smartphone Security – Survey of U.S. consumers, Ponemon Institute© Research Report, Sponsored by AVG Technologies, Independently conducted by Ponemon Institute LLC, Publication Date: March 2011 News release: “AVG Technologies, one of the leading providers of consumer security software, today revealed details of a sobering study uncovering new statistics about the data security risks involved in… Continue Reading

Census Bureau Reports State Government Tax Collections Decrease $14 Billion in 2010

News release: “State government tax collections decreased $14.3 billion to $704.6 billion in fiscal year 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today. There was a $65.8 billion decrease in 2009. These new data come from the 2010 Annual Survey of State Government Tax Collections, which contains annual statistics on the fiscal year tax collections of… Continue Reading

EPIC: Courts Rejects Google Books Settlement as Unfair

EPIC: “Judge Denny Chin struck down a proposed settlement between Google and copyright holders that would have imposed significant privacy risks on e-book consumers. Google’s proposal would have entitled the company to collect each users’ search queries as well as the titles and page numbers of the books they read. In a February 2010 hearing… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve System publishes annual financial statements

News release: “The Federal Reserve System on Tuesday released the 2010 combined annual comparative financial statements for the Federal Reserve Banks, as well as for the 12 individual Federal Reserve Banks, the limited liability companies (LLCs) that were created to respond to strains in financial markets, and the Board of Governors. These financial statements are… Continue Reading