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Monthly Archives: February 2011

EIA: Petroleum Marketing Monthly

Petroleum Marketing Monthly — Feb 1, 2011: “Refiner acquisition costs for crude oil (the cost of crude oil, including transportation charges and other fees) remained on an upward path in November. The monthly average refiner acquisition cost for domestic crude oil rose $3.17 (4.0 percent), to $82.05 per barrel, while the average cost of imported… Continue Reading

Pew – Unauthorized Immigrant Population: National and State Trends, 2010

Unauthorized Immigrant Population: National and State Trends, 2010 – by Jeffrey S. Passel, Senior Demographer, Pew Hispanic Center, and D’Vera Cohn, Senior Writer, Pew Research Center “As of March 2010, 11.2 million unauthorized immigrants were living in the United States, virtually unchanged from a year earlier, according to new estimates from the Pew Hispanic Center,… Continue Reading

Incoming college students rate emotional health at record low, annual survey finds

News release: “First-year college students’ self-ratings of their emotional health dropped to record low levels in 2010, according to the CIRP Freshman Survey, UCLA’s annual survey of the nation’s entering students at four-year colleges and universities. The survey, part of the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP), is administered nationally by the Higher Education Research Institute… Continue Reading

Report Calls for National Effort to Get Millions Of Young Americans onto a Realistic Path to Employability

News release: “Despite decades of efforts to reform education, and billions of dollars of expenditures, the harsh reality is that America is still failing to prepare millions of its young people to lead successful lives as adults. Evidence of this failure is everywhere: in the dropout epidemic that plagues our high schools and colleges; in… Continue Reading

New on – The Risky Business of Information Sharing: Why You Need to Care About Copyright

The Risky Business of Information Sharing: Why You Need to Care About Copyright: Copyright is an essential tool in the spread of new ideas, and the workplace has become ground zero for infringement. Ask employees up and down the corporate hierarchy, and they’ll tell you that whisking information electronically to co-workers is integral to their… Continue Reading

Arbor Networks' Sixth Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report

Arbor Networks’ Sixth Annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report “Arbor Networks®, in cooperation with the Internet operational security community, has completed the sixth edition of an ongoing series of annual operational security surveys. This survey, covering roughly a 12-month period from October 2009 through September 2010, is designed to provide industry-wide data to network operators. This… Continue Reading

New HUD Study – Worst Case Housing Needs 2009: A Report to Congress

News release: “In a report to Congress released today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) found that “worst case housing needs” grew by nearly 1.2 million households, or more than 20 percent, from 2007 to 2009 and by 42 percent since 2001. “Worst case housing needs” are defined as low-income households who… Continue Reading

Abandoning Law Reports for Official Digital Case Law

Abandoning Law Reports for Official Digital Case Law, Peter W. Martin, Cornell Law School, January 25, 2011, Cornell Legal Studies Research Paper No. 11-01 “In 2009, Arkansas ended publication of the Arkansas Reports. Since 1837 this series of volumes, joined in the late twentieth century by the Arkansas Appellate Reports covering the state’s intermediate court… Continue Reading

Did Online Access to Journals Change the Economics Literature?

McCabe, Mark J. and Snyder, Christopher M., Did Online Access to Journals Change the Economics Literature? (January 23, 2011). “Does online access boost citations? The answer has implications for issues ranging from the value of a citation to the sustainability of open-access journals. Using panel data on citations to economics and business journals, we show… Continue Reading

Pew – Health Topics 80% of internet users look for health information online

Health Topics – 80% of internet users look for health information online, Susannah Fox, Associate Director, Pew Research, February 1, 2011 “Eight in ten internet users look online for health information, making it the third most popular online pursuit among all those tracked by the Pew Internet Project, following email and using a search engine.… Continue Reading