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Daily Archives: December 16, 2010

Economist: An international deal on deforestation makes it ever more important to measure the Earth’s woodlands

The Economist: “Peru’s forests cover 72m hectares of the country (278,000 square miles). That is three times the area of Britain. And Peru intends to hold on to its greenery. In 2000 its deforestation rate was 250,000 hectares a year. By 2005 that figure was down to 150,000. This year, according to Antonio Brack Egg, the country’s environment minister, it will be 90,000. In 2021, if all goes well, it will be zero. To make sure things stay on course, Dr Brack says, the government needs to spend more than $100m a year on high-resolution satellite pictures of its billions of trees. But he hopes that a computing facility developed by the Planetary Skin Institute (PSI), a not-for-profit organisation set up by Cisco Systems, a large computing firm, and America’s space agency, NASA, might help cut that budget. The PSI’s Automated Land-change Evaluation, Reporting and Tracking System, ALERTS, is one of several tools being developed to assess the extent and health of forests and other ecosystems. These tools should make the implementation of a deal on reducing deforestation called REDD+, agreed on at the United Nations’ climate-change conference in Cancún on December 11th (see article), easier to monitor. The PSI’s intention is to apply the world’s ever-increasing supply of information to the problem of its ever-dwindling natural resources by merging data of different types. ALERTS, which was launched at Cancún, uses data from NASA’s MODIS cameras (of which two are currently in orbit) data-mining algorithms developed at the University of Minnesota and a lot of computing power from Cisco’s “cloud” of machines to spot places where land use has changed.”

Pew: Generations 2010 – Rise in Email Use, Decline in Blogging

Generations 2010, Kathryn Zickuhr, Web Coordinator, 12/16/2010 “There are still notable differences by generation in online activities, but the dominance of the Millennial generation that we documented in our first “Generations” report in 2009 has slipped in many activities. Milliennials, those ages 18-33, remain more likely to access the internet wirelessly with a laptop or… Continue Reading

Leading Through Civilian Power -The First Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review

Leading Through Civilian Power – The First Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, December 2010 [Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton]…last year, I announced a sweeping review of diplomacy and development, the core missions of the State Department and USAID respectively. We consulted hundreds of people throughout the U.S. government and around the world. This report,… Continue Reading

Obesity and Socioeconomic Status in Children and Adolescents: United States, 2005-2008

Obesity and Socioeconomic Status in Children and Adolescents: United States, 2005–2008, Cynthia L. Ogden, Ph.D.; Molly M. Lamb, Ph.D.; Margaret D. Carroll, M.S.P.H.; and Katherine M. Flegal, Ph.D. CDC, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Data Brief No. 51 December 2010, In 2007–2008 almost 17% of children and adolescents aged 2–19 years were obese. Childhood… Continue Reading

Commerce Department Unveils Policy Framework for Protecting Consumer Privacy Online While Supporting Innovation

News release: “The Department of Commerce today issued a report detailing initial policy recommendations aimed at promoting consumer privacy online while ensuring the Internet remains a platform that spurs innovation, job creation, and economic growth. The report outlines a dynamic framework to increase protection of consumers’ commercial data and support innovation and evolving technology. The… Continue Reading

11.7 Million Persons Reported Identity Theft Victimization in 2008

News release: “An estimated 11.7 million persons, representing five percent of all persons age 16 or older in the United States, were victims of identity theft during the two years prior to being surveyed in 2008, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) announced today. The financial losses due to the identity theft totaled more than… Continue Reading

HHS Issues New Initiative on Multiple Chronic Conditions

“On December 14, HHS issued its new Strategic Framework on Multiple Chronic Conditions ― an innovative, private-public sector collaboration to coordinate responses to a growing challenge. Report: Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Strategic Framework Press release: HHS issues new strategic framework on multiple chronic conditions Newsletter article for stakeholders: The Challenge of Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions… Continue Reading

White Paper: How the cloud will help global organizations take advantage of the economic recovery

Rising to the Challenge: “This independent report was commissioned by Savvis and conducted by Vanson Bourne in April 2010. The research surveyed CIOs, IT Directors and Heads of IT in the U.S., U.K. and Singapore from medium to large enterprises and the public sector…Our 2010 survey findings revealed that a large percentage of organizations are… Continue Reading

Ready or Not? Protecting the Public's Health From Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Trust for America’s Health Issue Report: Issue Report – Ready or Not? Protecting the Public’s Health From Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism, December 2010 “There is an emergency for emergency health preparedness in the United States. The severe budget cuts by federal, state, and local governments are leaving public health departments understaffed… Continue Reading