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Daily Archives: December 8, 2010

USDA Moves 120,000 Users to Microsoft’s Cloud

News release: “The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced today that it is moving its on-premises e-mail and productivity applications to Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure, becoming the first cabinet-level federal agency to embrace the cloud. In one of the largest cloud federal government deployments ever, the USDA is moving its 120,000 users to Microsoft Online Services, consolidating 21 different messaging and collaboration systems into one, said Chris Smith, the USDA’s chief information officer. The USDA plans to start the shift within the next four weeks. “This is really about increasing collaboration and communications across the breadth of 120,000 users in 5,000 offices across the country and 100 countries around the globe to better deliver on the USDA’s mission,” he said. “For us a move to the cloud was a question of performance, service, and cost, and this solution will help us streamline our efforts and use taxpayer dollars efficiently.” The USDA will use Microsoft Exchange Online for messaging and calendaring, SharePoint Online for document collaboration, Office Communications Online for instant messaging, and Office Live Meeting for Web conferencing. Smith said that improvements in productivity and communication, such as the ability to see colleagues’ availability and choose whether they want to communicate via chat, voice, or mail, mean that employees will now be able to collaborate more efficiently.”

Poll: Americans Believe China Has Surpassed the United States in Economic Strength; Back Government Support of Manufacturing to Create U.S. Jobs

Heartland Monitor VII: Return to Prosperity, December 2010: “The seventh installment of the Heartland Monitor Poll reveals an American public that is still deeply concerned about the direction of the country, their personal economic situation and future opportunities for their children. Globally, there are concerns about how the US compares to other countries in terms… Continue Reading

Senate Report: The Real Story Behind China's Energy Policy And What America Can Learn From It

News release: “Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, released a new minority report, titled, The Real Story Behind China’s Energy Policy – And What American Can Learn From It. The report shows that, regardless of its wind and solar production, China is predominantly relying on coal,… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Defense Management, Defense Transportation, Littoral Combat Ship Program, Border Security

Defense Management: DOD Has a Rigorous Process to Select Corrosion Prevention Projects, but Would Benefit from Clearer Guidance and Validation of Returns on Investment, GAO-11-84, December 08, 2010 Defense Transportation: Additional Information Is Needed for DOD’s Mobility Capabilities and Requirements Study 2016 to Fully Address All of Its Study Objectives, GAO-11-82R, December 08, 2010 Navy’s… Continue Reading

UN – World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011 pre-released

News release: “The recovery of the world economy has started to lose momentum since mid-2010, and active, coordinated fiscal and monetary measures will be needed to reinvigorate it and help boost worldwide employment. International policy coordination will be essential for the recovery to work. Chapter I of World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011 – a… Continue Reading

Health Reform is Driving Hospitals and Physicians Together, But They Must Overcome Trust and IT Issues

News release: “Health reform will require hospitals and physicians to engage in more intense levels of collaboration and information sharing. However, PwC surveys found both groups have issues to overcome with each other. For example, one in five physicians doesn’t trust hospitals, and six in 10 hospitals think it will be difficult to get health… Continue Reading

CRS: Criminal Prohibitions on the Publication of Classified Defense Information

Criminal Prohibitions on the Publication of Classified Defense Information, Jennifer K. Elsea, Legislative Attorney, December 6, 2010 “The recent online publication of classified defense documents and diplomatic cables by the organization WikiLeaks and subsequent reporting by the New York Times and other news media have focused attention on whether such publication violates U.S. criminal law.… Continue Reading

Treasury Moves Website to Amazon Cloud

GCN: “The Treasury Department on Monday rolled out a new design of its website at, which incorporates a cloud computing infrastructure and other emerging technologies. “The new”> website is a major step forward in our efforts to improve the way citizens access the wealth of the data and information Treasury produces on a… Continue Reading

UN – The Least Developed Countries Report, 2010

News release: “While least developed countries(1) (LDCs) have weathered the global downturn better than was generally anticipated, they are still trapped in the boom-bust cycles which have long plagued their economies… and their medium-term prospects are a cause for concern, UNCTAD´s Least Developed Countries Report 2010, Towards a new international development architecture for LDCs cautions.… Continue Reading