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Monthly Archives: September 2010

Judiciary Approves Pilot Project for Cameras in District Courts

News release: “The Judicial Conference of the United States today approved a pilot project to evaluate the effect of cameras in federal district courtrooms and the public release of digital video recordings of some civil proceedings. The pilot, which will be national in scope, will last up to three years. It will evaluate the effect… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Military Training, Nuclear Waste, Public Transportation

Military Training: DOD Continues to Improve Its Report on the Sustainability of Training Ranges, GAO-10-977R, September 14, 2010 Nuclear Waste: Actions Needed to Address Persistent Concerns with Efforts to Close Underground Radioactive Waste Tanks at DOE’s Savannah River Site, GAO-10-816, September 14, 2010 Public Transportation: Use of Contractors is Generally Enhancing Transit Project Oversight, and… Continue Reading

SBA: Global Entrepreneurship and the United States

Global Entrepreneurship and the United States, September 2010 “This paper looks at the performance of the United States on the Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI), which captures the contextual features of entrepreneurship. The index builds on and improves earlier measures by capturing quantitative and qualitative aspects of entrepreneurship. It measures entrepreneurial performance in 71… Continue Reading

Report Finds Homegrown Terrorism Presents Key Challenge for the United States

“…the Bipartisan Policy Center’s (BPC) National Security Preparedness Group (NSPG) released a report, Assessing the Terrorist Threat, which details how the terrorist threat currently facing the United States has grown more complex and diverse since 2001. Under the leadership of former 9/11 Commission Chair and Vice Chair Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton, NSPG members Peter… Continue Reading

Children's Websites: Usability Issues in Designing for Kids

Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox, September 13, 2010, Children’s Websites: Usability Issues in Designing for Kids: “New research with users aged 3–12 shows that older kids have gained substantial Web proficiency since our last studies, while younger kids still face many problems. Designing for children requires distinct usability approaches, including targeting content narrowly for different ages of… Continue Reading

Not Just for Polar Bears: New Climate Report Documents Growing Extinction Risk for Arctic Wildlife

“A new report offers a dramatic look at Arctic species being pushed toward extinction by rapid climate change. Extinction: It’s Not Just for Polar Bears documents 17 Arctic animals, from Arctic foxes to whales to plankton, struggling to survive the effects of climate change and ocean acidification. It was produced by the Center for Biological… Continue Reading