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Monthly Archives: August 2010

EPIC FOIA – Feds Save Thousands of Body Scan Images

Follow up to previous postings on government implementation of whole body scanning technology at airports, via EPIC new the organization has filed an open government lawsuit against the United States Marshals Service, EPIC has obtained more than one hundred images of undressed individuals entering federal courthouses. The images, which are routinely captured by the federal… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Lower Copyright Royalty Rate, Medicaid Managed Care, Recovery Act

In a Previous Rate-Setting Proceeding for Some Sound Recordings, the Standard Addressing the Disruptive Impact on the Industries Contributed to a Lower Copyright Royalty Rate, but the Effect of Its Proposed Removal Is Unclear, GAO-10-828R, August 04, 2010 Medicaid Managed Care: CMS’s Oversight of States’ Rate Setting Needs Improvement, GAO-10-810, August 04, 2010 Recovery Act:… Continue Reading

Microsoft Street Slide: Browsing Street Level Imagery

Street Slide: Browsing Street Level Imagery – Johannes Kopf, Billy Chen, Richard Szeliski, Michael Cohen [Microsoft Research]. Please see the accompanying video here. “Systems such as Google Street View and Bing Maps Streetside enable users to virtually visit cities by navigating between immersive 360 degree panoramas, or bubbles. The discrete moves from bubble to bubble… Continue Reading

United States Institute of Peace Releases Review of Quadrennial Defense Report

News release: “On Thursday, July 29, the co-chairs of a select, bipartisan panel testified that their study of the Defense Department’s 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) found that without needed reform the All-Volunteer Force may be unsustainable and that the nation needs a new national security strategic planning process that better incorporates civilian departments and… Continue Reading

National Declassification Center Issues First Report

News release: “The National Archives National Declassification Center (NDC) has issued its first status report, covering the reporting period of January 1- June 30, 2010. During this time, nearly 8 million pages of material were processed and made available to the public. The creation of the NDC is specified in the Executive Order on Classified… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: For-Profit Colleges, Financial Assistance for Private Sector Companies, Highway Trust Fund

For-Profit Colleges: Undercover Testing Finds Colleges Encouraged Fraud and Engaged in Deceptive and Questionable Marketing Practices, GAO-10-948T, August 04, 2010 Financial Assistance: Ongoing Challenges and Guiding Principles Related to Government Assistance For Private Sector Companies, GAO-10-719, August 03, 2010 Highway Trust Fund: Nearly All States Received More Funding Than They Contributed in Highway Taxes Since… Continue Reading

BEA: Personal Income and Outlays, June 2010

Bureau of Economic Analysis National Economic Accounts – Personal Income and Outlays, June 2010 Revised Estimates: 2007 Through May 2010 “Personal income increased $3.0 billion, or less than 0.1 percent, and disposable personal income (DPI) increased $5.1 billion, or less than 0.1 percent, in June, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Personal consumption expenditures… Continue Reading

2010 Immigration-Related Laws and Resolutions in the States

2010 Immigration-Related Laws and Resolutions in the States (January-June 2010), National Conference of State Legislatures “With no federal immigration reform in the foreseeable future, state legislatures continue to step up to the plate to address the complex and challenging issue of immigration. In the first six months of 2010, every state in regular session considered… Continue Reading

The Federal Government's Responsibilities and Liabilities Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act

The Federal Government’s Responsibilities and Liabilities Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act – Testimony before the House Committee on the Budget, July 27, 2010 “After signaling its intention to terminate a project to build a geologic repository for nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain—the only site where such waste is authorized to be stored under current… Continue Reading

Census Bureau Reports Number of U.S. Businesses Declines by Nearly 104,000 in 2008

News release: “U.S. businesses with paid employees lost almost 104,000 establishments in 2008, bringing the total number to 7.6 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. However, the total number of people they employed rose to 121 million, with businesses adding approximately 300,000 employees to their payrolls. These findings come from County Business Patterns: 2008,… Continue Reading