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Monthly Archives: July 2010

BLS: Employment Situation – June 2010

News release: The Employment Situation, June 2010 “Total nonfarm payroll employment declined by 125,000 in June, and the unemployment rate edged down to 9.5 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The decline in payroll employment reflected a decrease (-225,000) in the number of temporary employees working on Census 2010. Private-sector payroll employment… Continue Reading

FTC: Putting a Lid on International Scams – 10 Tips for Being a Canny Consumer

Putting a Lid on International Scams: 10 Tips for Being a Canny Consumer: “Mass marketing fraud is a significant source of income for international crime rings. Con artists ignore geographic boundaries to reach out to potential victims by phone, email, postal mail, and through the Internet, and then trick them into sending money or giving… Continue Reading

Securing Protections for the Injured from Limitations on Liability Act

Follow up to postings on the Gulf Coast oil spill see H.R.5503 – Securing Protections for the Injured from Limitations on Liability Act. Sponsor: Rep Conyers, John, Jr. [MI-14] (introduced 6/10/2010) Cosponsors (26). Latest Major Action: 7/1/2010. Passed/agreed to in House. Status: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed… Continue Reading

CRS: From Solicitor General to Supreme Court Nominee: Responsibilities, History, and the Nomination of Elena Kagan

From Solicitor General to Supreme Court Nominee: Responsibilities, History, and the Nomination of Elena Kagan, by Susan Navarro Smelcer, Analyst on the Federal Judiciary. Kenneth R. Thomas, Legislative Attorney, June 23, 2010 “On May 10, 2010, President Obama nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. If confirmed, Elena Kagan would… Continue Reading

CBO: The Long-Term Budget Outlook

The Long-Term Budget Outlook, June 2010 “This Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report examines the pressures on the federal budget by presenting the agency’s projections of federal spending and revenues over the coming decades. Under current laws and policies, an aging population and rapidly rising health care costs will sharply increase federal spending for health care… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Implementing Cloud Computing,

Information Security: Governmentwide Guidance Needed to Assist Agencies in Implementing Cloud Computing, GAO-10-855T, July 01, 2010 Warfighter Support: Actions Needed to Improve the Joint Improvised Exposive Device Defeat Organization’s System of Internal Control, GAO-10-660, July 01, 2010 Biosurveillance: Efforts to Develop a National Biosurveillance Capability Need a National Strategy and a Designated Leader, GAO-10-645, June… Continue Reading

FCC Launches Data Innovation Initiative

News release: “The Federal Communications Commission today launched the Data Innovation Initiative, the agency’s latest action to modernize and streamline how it collects, uses, and disseminates data. With this launch, the FCC continues the changes that were made as part of a comprehensive reform effort that is improving the agency’s fact-based, data-driven decision-making. To lead… Continue Reading