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Monthly Archives: July 2010

President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Plan New Critical Info Infrastructure

Polishing Technology’s Golden Triangle: “Each side of the Golden Triangle represents one of three areas of research that together are transforming the technology landscape today: information technology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. Information technology (IT) encompasses all technologies used to create, exchange, store, mine, analyze, and evaluate data in its multiple forms. Biotechnology uses the basic components… Continue Reading

WaPo: U.S. housing market remains fragile despite low mortgage rates

Washington Post: “After showing signs of a fledgling recovery from the worst downturn in decades, the U.S. housing market appears to be heading back toward the doldrums, as the expiration of a lucrative tax credit for buyers and increased uncertainty about the economy cause home sales to plummet. The sudden weakness in residential real estate… Continue Reading

America Speaks Out -Yet Another E-Gov Site Reaches out for Comments and Collaboration

America Speaks Out: “This site was developed as part of an official effort to increase the dialogue between Americans and their Congress. Here, Americans are provided a new platform to share their priorities and ideas for a national policy agenda. As House Republicans, we are committed to our principles of limited, more accountable government; economic… Continue Reading

The Decline: The Geography of a Recession

LaToya Egwuekwe: “In the face of the worst economic upheaval since the Great Depression, millions of Americans are hurting. The Decline: The Geography of a Recession is a vivid representation of just how much. It’s an interactive map I created as a graduate student at American University, Washington, D.C. Watch the deteriorating transformation of the… Continue Reading

Consumer Bankruptcy Filings Up 14% Through First Half of 2010

News release: “U.S. consumer bankruptcy filings totaled 770,117 nationwide during the first six months of 2010 (Jan. 1-June 30), a 14 percent increase over the 675,351 total consumer filings during the same period a year ago, according to the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI), relying on data from the National Bankruptcy Research Center (NBKRC). The consumer… Continue Reading

BJS – Identity Theft Reported by Households, 2007

Identity Theft Reported by Households, 2007 – Statistical Tables: “Presents data on identity theft victimization reported by households from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). These statistical tables provide 2007 data on rates and types of identity theft, as well as demographic characteristics of victimized households and their monetary losses. Tables compare rates of identity… Continue Reading

Research on global financial stability: the use of BIS international financial statistics

News release: “One of the lessons of the global financial crisis which started in August 2007 is the crucial importance for policy makers and supervisors of having access to a wide range of reliable, timely and detailed financial statistics. The BIS has long been playing a pioneering role in collecting and providing, under the auspices… Continue Reading

Medline: Drinking Water

Drinking Water: “Every living creature needs clean and safe drinking water. How much do you need? Itdepends – your size, activity level and the weather all make a difference. The water you drink is a combination of surface water and groundwater. Surface water includes rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Groundwater comes from underground. The United States… Continue Reading