Short-Term Energy Outlook July 2010 July 7, 2010: “Short-term energy projections for supply, demand, and price for the major fuels through 2011 for the U.S. International oil forecasts are included.” Continue Reading
Short-Term Energy Outlook July 2010 July 7, 2010: “Short-term energy projections for supply, demand, and price for the major fuels through 2011 for the U.S. International oil forecasts are included.” Continue Reading
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Hospital Compare Tool Compares Outpatient Care and Inpatient Mortality and Readmissions at More Than 4,700 Hospitals Across the Nation: “Important new information about the quality of care available in Americas outpatient and emergency departments, including how well hospitals care for patients with heart attacks and protect outpatients from surgical… Continue Reading
“In honor of’s 10th anniversary, were proud to announce the new and improved! Among the new features are: Look and Feel: A new, clean look that reduces the feeling of clutter and creates an open, focused interface. Enhanced Search: With a new search that is up to 9 times faster and more accurate,… Continue Reading
News release: “The Postal Regulatory Commission today received proposed rate changes for market dominant products, averaging about 5.6 percent, filed by the Postal Service to take effect on January 2, 2011. This is the first time the Postal Service has claimed that extraordinary or exceptional circumstances justify an increase that exceeds the cost of living… Continue Reading
New Fiscal Year Brings More Grief for State Budgets, Putting Economic Recovery at Risk, by Erica Williams, Phil Oliff, Ashali Singham and Nicholas Johnson “Dismal state revenue collections caused by the severe recession are setting the stage for a new round of state budget cuts as fiscal year 2011 begins in most states on July… Continue Reading
On Demand Government: Deploying Flexibilities to Ensure Service Continuity, 07/01/2010 “Workplace flexibilities lead to economic efficiencies, including cost savings on real estate, infrastructure and energy usage, and improve how agencies deliver citizen services. Teleworking and other flexibilities also can help improve employee performance, job satisfaction and work-life balance, and decrease the costs of commuting by… Continue Reading
Follow up to postings on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), this news release: “The Independent Climate Change Email Review, undertaken by Sir Muir Russell and his team, has issued its report on issues arising from the publication of hacked emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit.” The Independent Climate Change… Continue Reading
News release: “Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki announced today plans to develop a fully automated, online system for handling Veterans disability compensation claims. More than a simple digitization of existing paper-based claims, the new system is part of VAs modernization of the end-to-end processing workflow. Automation will substantially reduce processing time and increase… Continue Reading
News release: PRC Report Finds $50 Billion Discrepancy – “The Postal Regulatory Commission submitted to Congress, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the United States Postal Service, an independent actuarial report on the allocation of the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) benefits paid to former Post Office Department employees. The Postal Service asked for… Continue Reading
“The Government Printing Office (GPO) will release 6 new collections along with 14 additional years of the Budget into the Federal Digital System (FDsys) on Wednesday, July 7, 2010. The new collections are: The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation (1992 to 2008) U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual (2000 and… Continue Reading
Overseas Contingency Operations: Comparison of the Department of Defense’s Overseas Contingency Operations Funding Requests for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011, GAO-10-889R, July 06, 2010 Cybersecurity: Key Challenges Need to Be Addressed to Improve Research and Development, GAO-10-466, June 03, 2010 Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) Program Faces Cost, Schedule and Performance Risks, GAO-10-758R, July 02, 2010 Continue Reading
Follow up to postings on the Gulf Coast oil spill, via the Huffington Post, “A group of independent scientists, frustrated and dumbfounded by the continued lack of the most basic data about the 77-day-old BP oil disaster, has put together a crash project intended to definitively measure how much oil has spilled and where and… Continue Reading