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Monthly Archives: July 2010

75 Percent of PACER Users Won’’t Pay for Access Under New Fee Schedule

News release: “A recent change in the fee exemption policy of the Federal Judiciary’s Public Access to Court Electronic Records system means that 75 percent of PACER users won’t pay any fee this year. The policy-making Judicial Conference of the United States approved last March 16 an adjustment to the Electronic Public Access Fee Schedule… Continue Reading

New on Law Libraries Transformed

Law Libraries Transformed: Not long ago, the law library was “a place”. It housed printed materials and staff and provided work space for research. Lawyers went there to use books and consult librarians to locate and complete assignments. Today, Eleanor Windsor and Ron Friedmann report that the notion of a modern law library is very… Continue Reading

New on Testing the Accuracy of Database Information Produced in Civil Discovery

Testing the Accuracy of Database Information Produced in Civil Discovery: Conrad J. Jacoby identifies the trend that increasingly electronically stored information (“ESI”) requested in litigation discovery originates in databases or other structured data repositories. Previously, this data was stored in discrete e-mail messages, spreadsheets, and word processing files that have long made up the bulk… Continue Reading

Report: More Terror Groups Globally, But Fewer Coordinated Attacks

National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism [START] – Background Report: On the Fifth Anniversary of the 7/7 London Transit Attack, July 2010 “July 7, 2010, marks the fifth anniversary of the 2005 terrorist attacks on London’s Metro system. In 2005, terrorists launched a coordinated attack against London’s transportation system, with… Continue Reading

Pew Report – Mobile Access 2010

Mobile Access 2010 – Six in ten Americans go online wirelessly using a laptop or cell phone; African-Americans and 18-29 year olds lead the way in the use of cell phone data applications, but older adults are gaining ground. July 7, 2010. Aaron Smith, Research Specialist li>”Cell phone and wireless laptop internet use have each… Continue Reading

WSJ: "Teach for America recruits talented people and is responsible for their performance in the classroom"

WSJ: “Teach for America now attracts 12% of all Ivy League seniors. The program’s founder explains why it beats working on Wall Street…A 2008 Urban Institute study found that “On average, high school students taught by TFA corps members performed significantly better on state-required end-of-course exams, especially in math and science, than peers taught by… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 2009 Annual Report Covers Tough Year in Banking

2009 Annual Report – Southeast Banking in the Financial Crisis, July 8, 2010 “The Atlanta Fed’s 2009 Annual Report provides perspective on a challenging year in banking in the Southeast, as the industry sought stability and stronger risk management even as problems persisted. In addition to exploring the industry’s performance, the annual report examines the… Continue Reading

Yahoo Research: The Demographics of Web Search

The Demographics of Web Search, Weber, I.; Castillo, C. SIGIR, ACM Press, Geneva, Switzerland (2010) “How does the web search behavior of “rich” and “poor” people differ? Do men and women tend to click on different results for the same query? What are some queries almost exclusively issued by African Americans? These are some of… Continue Reading

Report: A Sharper Focus on Technical Workers: How to Educate and Train for a Global Economy

A Sharper Focus on Technical Workers: How to Educate and Train for a Global Economy – How to Educate and Train for the Global Economy, National Governors Association Center for Best Practices. “The report outlines actions governors can take to shape a new future for job training in a way that will nurture the largest… Continue Reading

Pew Research: Millennials' Likely Lifelong Online Sharing Habit

Millennials will make online sharing in networks a lifelong habit “Tech experts generally believe that today’s tech-savvy young people – the ‘digital natives’ who are known for enthusiastically embracing social networking – will retain their willingness to share personal information online even as they get older and take on more responsibilities. Experts surveyed say that… Continue Reading

UN – International Statistics on Crime and Justice

International Statistics on Crime and Justice, Helsinki 2010 “The United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends and the Operations Criminal Justice Systems (denoted UNCTS below for the sake of brevity) collect basic information on recorded crime and on resources of criminal justice systems in the member states. Its mandate being Europe and North America, [European Institute… Continue Reading