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Monthly Archives: May 2010

2009 FDIC Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households

News release: “In January 2009, the FDIC sponsored a special supplement to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) to collect data on the number of U.S. households that are unbanked and underbanked, their demographic characteristics, and their reasons for being unbanked and underbanked. Teamed with the rich demographic and geographic data available through… Continue Reading

Confidence in Regional Washington D.C. Economy Soars

Spring Economic Outlook Survey of Business Executives: “Confidence in the Greater Washington, DC economy reached its highest point since February 2009, according to the semi-annual economic survey released today by the Greater Washington Board of Trade. Business leaders have overall positive perceptions of current economic conditions that confirmed the outlook six months prior. They also… Continue Reading

US Attorney, FBI and NYC Police Statement on Times Square Investigation

Statement of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the New York City Police Department on an Arrest in the Times Square Investigation , May 4, 2010. Photos from the Press Conference on the Times Square Attempted Bombing Politico: Cellphone led FBI to Times Square… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Warfighter Support, Retirement Income

Warfighter Support: Improvements to DOD’s Urgent Needs Processes Would Enhance Oversight and Expedite Efforts to Meet Critical Warfighter Needs, GAO-10-460, April 30, 2010 Retirement Income: Challenges for Ensuring Income throughout Retirement, GAO-10-632R, April 28, 2010: “For the first time since 1983, the Social Security trust funds are currently paying out more in benefits than they… Continue Reading

April 2010 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices

“The April 2010 Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices addressed changes in the supply of, and demand for, bank loans to businesses and households over the past three months. The survey included three sets of special questions. The first set asked banks about lending policies regarding business credit card accounts for use… Continue Reading

Citizen Satisfaction with E-Government Remains Strong

News release: “Citizen satisfaction with government websites remains high into the second year of President Obama’s administration. After a slow start and small decline following the inauguration in early 2009, satisfaction with e-government climbed to an all-time high last year and remains high this quarter. The ACSI E-Government Satisfaction Index registers a 75.1 on a… Continue Reading

IncidentNews website provides publicly available information related to oil and hazardous material spills

Follow up to postings on the Gulf Coast oil spill, additional timely resources from NOAA: NOAA IncidentNews – “Under the National Contingency Plan, NOAA has responsibility for providing scientific support to the Federal On-Scene Commander (FOSC) for oil and hazardous material spills, and it is primarily ERD that provides that support. NOAA may also be… Continue Reading

Collaborative, Open Source, Citizen Based Site for Canadian Government Data

“Unlike the United States ( and Britain (, Canada has no open data strategy. This must change. Canadians paid for the information gathered about our country, ourselves and our government. Free access to it could help stimulate our economy and enhance our democracy. In pursuit of this goal, this website is a citizen-led effort to… Continue Reading

Audit of Open Government Plans Reveals Wide Range of Performance

News release, PEER: “A ranking of agencies’ Open Government Plans compiled in an independent audit reveals the strongest and weakest agency plans, with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the top of the list and the Department of Justice (DOJ) at the bottom. Significantly, the audit found that key agencies assigned to oversee… Continue Reading