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Monthly Archives: May 2010

Case Study: How Open Data Saved Canada $3.2 Billion

Case Study: How Open data saved Canada $3.2 Billion – 14 April 2010 | David Eaves [via Susannah Fox, Pew Internet] “…government data – information that should be made more accessible and open in an unfettered and machine readable format – helped reveal one of the largest tax evasion scandals in the country’s history. But… Continue Reading

ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law

ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law, Updated 8 March 2010, by Marci Hoffman “Introduction: This chapter will attempt to provide a guide to the ever expanding area of international human rights law. The focus will be on the electronic sources available for this topic, regardless of the format. This chapter will include general… Continue Reading

Homeland Security Committee Hearing Examines Ban on Gun Sales to Suspected Terrorists

News release: “Two days after the failed Times Square terrorist was arrested, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., and Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Me., Wednesday heard top New York City officials advocate for barring terrorist suspects from purchasing firearms. At an oversight hearing, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly… Continue Reading

"Link Rot" & Legal Resources on the Web: A 2010 Analysis

“The Chesapeake Project Legal Information Archive has completed its third annual analysis of link rot among the original URLs for law- and policy-related materials published to the Web and archived though the Chesapeake Project. The Chesapeake Project was launched in 2007 by the Georgetown University Law Library and the State Law Libraries of Maryland and… Continue Reading

CBO: How Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Could Affect Employment

How Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Could Affect Employment, May 5, 2010 – Economic and Budget Issue Brief “The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has analyzed the research on the effects that policies to reduce greenhouse gases would have on employment and concluded that total employment during the next few decades would be slightly lower… Continue Reading

EPA OIG Hotline Report: Region 6 Needs to Improve Oversight Practices

“The Office of Inspector General received a hotline complaint from Citizen Action New Mexico (CANM) alleging that the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) mismanaged the Sandia National Laboratory’s Mixed Waste Landfill (MWL) monitoring wells – Region 6 [New Mexico] withheld information from the public regarding the MWL [Mixed Waste Landfill] monitoring wells through: discontinuation of… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Afghanistan's Security Environment, Child Care

Afghanistan’s Security Environment, GAO-10-613R, May 05, 2010 Child Care: Multiple Factors Could Have Contributed to the Recent Decline in the Number of Children Whose Families Receive Subsidies, GAO-10-344, May 05, 2010 Terrorist Watchlist Screening: FBI Has Enhanced Its Use of Information from Firearm and Explosives Background Checks to Support Counterterrorism Efforts, GAO-10-703T, May 05, 2010… Continue Reading

CRS: Financial Regulatory Reform and the 111th Congress

Financial Regulatory Reform and the 111th Congress, March 31, 2010 “One issue in financial reform is the potential reorganization of the financial system regulatory architecture. Currently, the United States has many regulators, some with overlapping jurisdictions, but with gaps in oversight of some issues. This structure evolved largely in reaction to past financial crises, with… Continue Reading

CRS: Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve: Current Policy and Conditions

Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve: Current Policy and Conditions, Marc Labonte, Specialist in Macroeconomic Policy, March 31, 2010 “The Fed defines monetary policy as the actions it undertakes to influence the availability and cost of money and credit to promote the goals mandated by Congress: a stable price level and maximum sustainable economic growth.… Continue Reading

DHS OIG: The Responsibilities of the Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement

OIG-10-80 – The Responsibilities of the Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement “Among many responsibilities, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is charged with preventing the entry of illegal drugs into the United States and diminishing the threat of drug trafficking, the world’s most lucrative criminal activity. Reducing this threat is of special interest to the department… Continue Reading