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Monthly Archives: April 2010

New Study: Climate Change Threatening Glacier National Park Could Harm Montana's Future Tourism and Economy

News release: “The last decade in Glacier National Park saw exactly double the temperature increase for the planet as a whole. The effects of this warming threaten Glacier National Park’s resources, from glaciers and snow-capped mountains to wildlife and forests, as well as the Montana jobs and tourism revenue the park generates, according to a… Continue Reading

Extended Range Forecast of Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Activity and Landfall Strike Probability for 2010

Extended Range Forecast of Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Activity and Landfall Strike Probability for 2010, by Philip J. Klotzbach and William M. Gray, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University “We continue to foresee above-average activity for the 2010 Atlantic hurricane season. We have increased our seasonal forecast from the mid-point of our initial early December… Continue Reading

Administration Announces Releases of Federal Agencies Open Government Plans

“Today, U.S. departments and agencies are releasing their Open Government Plans — another historic milestone in President Obama’s campaign to change Washington. For too many years, Washington has resisted the oversight of the American public, resulting in difficulties in finding information, taxpayer dollars disappearing without a trace, and lobbyists wielding undue influence. For Americans, business… Continue Reading

Comcast Corporation v. FCC – Appeals Court Rules Against Net Neutraility

EFF: “In a ruling that imposes important limits on the FCC’s authority to regulate the Internet, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals today overturned the FCC ruling against Comcast for interfering with the BitTorrent traffic of its subscribers. The court found that the Commission had overstepped the limits of its “ancillary authority” when it disciplined… Continue Reading

GAO Review of the Department of Homeland Security’s Certification of the Secure Flight Program

GAO Review of the Department of Homeland Security’s Certification of the Secure Flight Program–Cost and Schedule Estimates, GAO-10-535R, April 05, 2010 “The matching of airline passenger information against terrorist watchlist records (watchlist matching) is a frontline defense against acts of terrorism that target the nation’s civil aviation system. In general, passengers identified as matches to… Continue Reading

GAO Reports: TARP and Automaker Pension Funding

Troubled Asset Relief Program: Automaker Pension Funding and Multiple Federal Roles Pose Challenges for the Future, GAO-10-492, April 06, 2010: “Over $81 billion has been committed under the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to improve the domestic auto industry’s competitiveness and long-term viability. The bulk of this assistance has gone to General Motors (GM) and… Continue Reading

Pew – A Year or More: The High Cost of Long-Term Unemployment

News release: “The federal government defines “long-term unemployment” as a jobless period of six months or longer. In March 2010, over 44 percent of unemployed Americans met or exceeded that standard—the highest rate since World War II. In contrast, during the severe recession of the early 1980s, the percentage of workers unemployed for six months… Continue Reading