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Monthly Archives: April 2010

National Security Archive: "Prague Treaty Cuts Are Modest, Real"

The Nuclear Vault: Resources from the National Security Archive’s Nuclear Weapons Documentation Project How Much is Enough? Part II “Prague Treaty Cuts Are Modest, Real” Old Cold War Proposals Went Even Lower, Thomas Blanton and William Burr, editors, April 8, 2010: “he new START Treaty signed today in Prague represents “real” but “modest” cuts in… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: All-Terrain Vehicles, American Samoa and Northern Mariana Islands, Nuclear Weapons

All-Terrain Vehicles: How They Are Used, Crashes, and Sales of Adult-Sized Vehicles for Children’s Use, GAO-10-418, April 08, 2010 American Samoa and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: Wages, Employment, Employer Actions, Earnings, and Worker Views Since Minimum Wage Increases Began, GAO-10-333, April 08, 2010 Nuclear Weapons: Actions Needed to Address Scientific and Technical Challenges… Continue Reading

Open Government Plans Offer New Channels to Communicate With Citizens

It’s official: Twitter isn’t Government Paperwork, by Heather West, April 7, 2010 – “As part of the 120 day deadlines in the Open Government Directive, OMB just released several sets of guidance for agencies in how they use new tools like social media or wikis. Currently, there’s a burdensome process for agencies who want to… Continue Reading

BIS: The future of public debt: prospects and implications

The future of public debt: prospects and implications, by Stephen Cecchetti, Madhusudan Mohanty and Fabrizio Zampolli, Working Papers No 300, March 2010 “Since the start of the financial crisis, industrial country public debt levels have increased dramatically. And they are set to continue rising for the foreseeable future. A number of countries face the prospect… Continue Reading

Speech by Fed Chairman Bernanke on past, present, and future economic challenges

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke At the Dallas Regional Chamber, Dallas, Texas, April 7, 2010, Economic Challenges: Past, Present, and Future “The financial crisis that began in the summer of 2007 was an extraordinarily complex event with multiple causes. Its immediate trigger was a downturn in the national housing market that followed a long period of… Continue Reading

Preliminary Staff Report: The Community Reinvestment Act and the Mortgage Crisis – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

Preliminary Staff Report: The Community Reinvestment Act and the Mortgage Crisis – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)| April 7, 2010: “The purpose of this preliminary staff report is to provide background on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). Section I provides background on the CRA. Section II discusses the evidence on CRA’s contribution to an increase… Continue Reading

Preliminary Staff Report: The Mortgage Crisis – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

Preliminary Staff Report: The Mortgage Crisis – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)| April 7, 2010: “The purpose of this preliminary staff report is to describe the recent mortgage crisis, which entailed a dramatic drop in home prices beginning in 2006 and a sharp rise in mortgage defaults beginning in 2007. Section I describes the origination… Continue Reading

Preliminary Staff Report: Government Sponsored Enterprises and the Financial Crisis – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

Preliminary Staff Report: Government Sponsored Enterprises and the Financial Crisis Financial – Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) | April 7, 2010: “This preliminary staff report provides information on the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA or Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or Freddie Mac), the companies’ attributes as government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), and… Continue Reading

Preliminary Staff Report: The Role of the Federal Reserve in Banking Supervision and Regulation – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

Preliminary Staff Report: The Role of the Federal Reserve in Banking Supervision and Regulation, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) | April 7, 2010: “The purpose of this preliminary staff report is to provide a brief overview of the role of the Federal Reserve in banking supervision and regulation. The first section describes the structure of… Continue Reading

Preliminary Staff Report: Securitization and the Mortgage Crisis – Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

Preliminary Staff Report: Securitization and the Mortgage Crisis, Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) | April 7, 2010 “The purpose of this preliminary staff report is to provide an overview of mortgage securitization and its possible role in the sharp increase in mortgage defaults that precipitated the financial crisis. Section I describes the growth and basic… Continue Reading