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Monthly Archives: April 2010

News Leaders and the Future The State of Journalism

News release: “America’s news executives are hesitant about many of the alternative funding ideas being discussed for journalism today and are overwhelmingly skeptical about the prospect of government financing, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism in association with the American Society of News Editors (ASNE) and… Continue Reading

The Essentials: Medicare and Medicaid – Free MetLife Booklet

News release: “The MetLife Mature Market Institute has a new guide, The Essentials: Medicare and Medicaid, available free to the public. The publication is a concisely written how-to guide for older Americans and their families, which answers basic and in-depth questions about both health care programs, including the most common: “what’s the difference between the… Continue Reading

The MetLife Study of Boomers in the Middle An In-Depth Look at Americans Born 1952 – 1958

The MetLife Study of Boomers in the Middle: An In-Depth Look at Americans Born 1952 – 1958, March 2010 “Distinguishable by a dramatic increase in birth rate following World War II, Baby Boomers now comprise one of the largest generations in U.S. history. They total about 77 million Americans and represent one-quarter of the total… Continue Reading

8th Annual MetLife Study of Employee Benefits Trends

News release: “The economic crisis has created a significant shift in employers’ benefits objectives. Controlling benefits costs is now the top benefits objective for employers, edging out employee retention for the first time since 2006. And while improving employee productivity remains the third most important benefits objective, employers have renewed focus on this area due… Continue Reading

NIST: Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information

NIST Special Publication 800-122, Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Erika McCallister, Tim Grance, Karen Scarfone, April 2010. “The escalation of security breaches involving personally identifiable information (PII) has contributed to the loss of millions of records over the past few years.… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta: Too Big to Fail after FDICIA

Too Big to Fail after FDICIA, Larry D. Wall, Economic Review, Vol. 95, No. 1, 2010 “In 1993, when this article was originally published, Congress had recently passed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA) to reduce taxpayers’ exposure to financial system losses, including their exposure at “too big to fail” financial… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: IP and Pirated Goods, USPS, Federal Desktop Core Configuration Requirements

Intellectual Property: Observations on Efforts to Quantify the Economic Effects of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods, GAO-10-423, April 12, 2010 U.S. Postal Service: Strategies and Options to Facilitate Progress toward Financial Viability, GAO-10-455, April 12, 2010 Information Security: Agencies Need to Implement Federal Desktop Core Configuration Requirements, GAO-10-202, March 12, 2010 Information Security: Concerted Effort Needed… Continue Reading

FTC Tips for Consumers Weighing How to Settle Their Credit Card Debts

News release: “Consumers with overwhelming credit card debt may be tempted to seek help from companies that promise to erase their debt for pennies on the dollar, but the Federal Trade Commission urges caution. In a new consumer publication, Settling Your Credit Card Debts, the FTC says that there is no guarantee that debt settlement… Continue Reading

The State of America’s Libraries, 2010

News release: “When jobs go away, Americans turn to their libraries to find information about future employment or educational opportunities. This library usage trend and others are detailed in the 2010 State of America’s Libraries report, released April 11, 2010 by the American Library Association. The report shows that Americans have turned to their libraries… Continue Reading

Federal Cyber Security Outlook for 2010

“How well prepared are IT professionals within U.S. government agencies to respond to foreign cyber threats? Will government initiatives, such as the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative and the creation of the U.S. National Cybersecurity Coordinator role, be effective in addressing the challenges facing U.S. critical IT infrastructure? What is the impact of compliance on security… Continue Reading