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Monthly Archives: March 2010

Magazines and Their Web Sites A Columbia Journalism Review survey and report

Magazines and Their Web Sites, A Columbia Journalism Review survey and report by Victor Navasky with Evan Lerner, March 2010 “Virtually every significant magazine in the United States—and increasingly abroad—either already has, or is in the process of establishing, a Web site. These interactive Internet offspring speak to a new generation of magazine readers, and… Continue Reading

EU Report: Parity democracy – A far cry from reality

Parity democracy – A far cry from reality – Comparative study on the results of the first and second rounds of monitoring of Council of Europe Recommendation Rec (2003) 3 on balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making: “concludes that in the last years no major progress has been achieved to… Continue Reading

CBO: Preliminary Analysis of the President's 2011 Budget

Preliminary Analysis of the President’s 2011 Budget “Each year CBO estimates the budgetary impact of the proposals in the President’s budget using the same economic assumptions and estimating techniques that the agency uses to produce all of its analyses and cost estimates. Because CBO’s economic forecast and estimating techniques differ from those of the Administration,… Continue Reading

Factsheet on European Court of Human Rights and Gender Equality

Factsheet on European Court of Human Rights and Gender Equality “Over the years, the Council of Europe’s activities to promote the cause of women have taken a number of forms, such as legal measures, mobilising public opinion and training and research. One of the main threads running through all these activities is the principle that… Continue Reading

EPA Announces Superfund Cleanup Progress for FY 2009

News release: “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released the annual summary of the Superfund program’s fiscal year (FY) 2009 progress. The report shows that the program continues to make significant progress in achieving its mission of cleaning up the country’s most complex, uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites and protecting the health of nearby communities… Continue Reading

Investigative Report on Archiving Britain's web

An investigation by Katie Scott: “A proposal that could give select institutions the power to take snapshots of websites without their owners’ permission is being ruminated by our Government. Civil servants at the Department of Culture, Media and Sport are now processing opinions on whether we should be archiving websites for future generations. While it… Continue Reading

BLS: State employment-population ratio declines, 2008–09

State employment-population ratio declines, 2008–09: “In 2009, 22 states and the District of Columbia recorded employment-population ratios—the proportion of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 years and older with a job—that were significantly above the U.S. ratio of 59.3 percent, and 16 states had ratios that were appreciably below it. The remaining 12 states reported ratios… Continue Reading

Survey of Academic Librarians: Use of Associations, Blogs, Listservs, Conferences, & Publications about Libraries

Survey of Academic Librarians: Use of Associations, Blogs, Listservs, Conferences, & Publications about Libraries “The study imparts highly specific data about academic librarian use of library oriented blogs, listservs, publications, association membership and attendance at library conferences. The report includes detail on the percentage of academic librarians who read print publications about libraries, or use… Continue Reading