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Monthly Archives: March 2010

CBO: H.R. 4213, American Workers, State, and Business Relief Act of 2010

H.R. 4213, American Workers, State, and Business Relief Act of 2010 March 10, 2010. Direct spending and revenues effects estimate for the bill as passed by the Senate on March 10, 2010 News release: “Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D‐Mont.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D‐Nev.) [March 1, 2010] introduced legislation to extend… Continue Reading

BLS: Regional and State Employment and Unemployment, January 2010

News release: “In January, 30 states and the District of Columbia recorded over-the-month unemployment rate increases, 9 states registered decreases, and 11 states had no change. Nonfarm payroll employment increased in 31 states and the District of Columbia, decreased in 18 states, and remained unchanged in 1 state.” Related postings on financial system Continue Reading

New on The Web Guide for the New Economy

New on The Web Guide for the New Economy – This guide by Marcus P. Zillman showcases the latest world wide web resources for discovering new knowledge on and understanding about developments with regard to the New Economy. The rapid changes in government transparency policies have resulted in the release of large volumes of… Continue Reading

Shaping a Healthier Generation: Healthy Kids, Healthy America State Profiles of Progress

Follow up to previous postings on obesity, this News release: “Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, and today, nearly 23 million – or one in three – American children are overweight or obese. Through the Healthy Kids, Healthy America program, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) supported… Continue Reading

CRS: Social Networking and Constituent Communications: Member Use of Twitter During a Two-Month Period in the 111th Congress

Social Networking and Constituent Communications: Member Use of Twitter During a Two-Month Period in the 111th Congress, February 03, 2010 “Beginning with the widespread use of e-mail by Congress in the mid-1990’s, the development of new electronic technologies has altered the traditional patterns of communication between Members of Congress and constituents. Many Members now use… Continue Reading

CRS — Satellite Surveillance: Domestic Issues

Satellite Surveillance: Domestic Issues, Richard A. Best Jr. Specialist in National Defense, Jennifer K. Elsea, Legislative Attorney, February 1, 2010 “This report provides background on the development of intelligence satellites and identifies the roles various agencies play in their management and use. Issues surrounding the current policy and proposed changes are discussed, including the findings… Continue Reading

CRS — Afghanistan Casualties: Military Forces and Civilians

Afghanistan Casualties: Military Forces and Civilians, Susan G. Chesser, Information Research Specialist, February 26, 2010 “This report collects statistics from a variety of sources on casualties sustained during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), which began on October 7, 2001, and is ongoing. OEF actions take place primarily in Afghanistan; however, OEF casualties also includes American casualties… Continue Reading

CRS: Metropolitan Transportation Planning

Metropolitan Transportation Planning, Metropolitan Transportation Planning, William J. Mallett, Specialist in Transportation Policy, February 3, 2010 “Federal law requires state and local governments to designate a metropolitan planning organization (MPO) in each urbanized area with a population of 50,000 or more to help plan surface transportation infrastructure and services. There are currently 381 MPOs nationwide.… Continue Reading

FinCEN Clarifies Expectations Regarding Beneficial Ownership Guidance Released in Conjunction with Financial Regulators

News release: “The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) today issued guidance, Guidance on Obtaining and Retaining Beneficial Ownership Information, which clarifies and consolidates regulatory expectations for obtaining beneficial ownership information for certain accounts and customer relationships. FinCEN worked closely with its regulatory partners to develop the guidance and is issuing it jointly with the Federal… Continue Reading

CRS: Israeli-Arab Negotiations: Background, Conflicts, and U.S. Policy

Israeli-Arab Negotiations: Background, Conflicts, and U.S. Policy. Carol Migdalovitz, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, January 29, 2010 “Congress is interested in issues related to Middle East peace because of its oversight role in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy, its support for Israel, and keen constituent interest. It is especially concerned about U.S. financial and… Continue Reading